Cytokine and CXCL12 concentrations from the CXCL12 (−) and CXCL12 (+) empty microbeads study. Cytokine concentrations from the samples of NHP plasma are shown in A and B, while aspirate samples are shown in C. A, Measurable levels of 4 cytokines (IL-17a, IL-23, IL-4, and tumor necrosis factor-α) in both NHPs at days 0–28, and it appeared that NHP with CXCL12 (−) had a higher level of activation state for these cytokines when compared with the baseline levels. Two-way ANOVA analysis demonstrated for IL-23 significant P values (***P < 0.001) for prebleed vs day 9, day 9 vs day 21, and day 9 vs day 14. B and C, For days 90, 97, 136, and 180, inflammatory cytokine changes were observed for both CXCL12 (−) and CXCL12 (+) microbeads, both in plasma and intraperitoneal (IP) aspirate. Standard curves for each cytokine were used to extrapolate the concentrations from the FI-background data. Significant P values were observed for GM-CSF (***P < 0.001, *P < 0.05), IL-18 (**P < 0.01), IL-5 (***P < 0.001), and IL-6 (*P < 0.05). The CXCL12 concentrations are shown in D and E. D, The comparison between the CXCL12 (−) and CXCL12 (+) plasma concentrations from days 0 to 180 postimplant. **P < 0.01 for day 9, and ***P < 0.001 for day 14. E, The aspirate concentrations of CXCL12. The results of 28 days were showing a 3-fold increase in chemokine in the CXCL12 (+) animal, with a **P value < 0.05. The 98-day aspirate samples (*) being stored at −80oC, were assayed twice, and the results demonstrated a decrease in the concentration over time. GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor; IL, interleukin; NHP, nonhuman primate.