Figure 12:
A) Comparison of normalized amplitudes of VOHC in response to multi-tone stimuli (#728 run 10, BF = 25 kHz, black line = 40 dB SPL, black dashed line = 50 dB SPL) to multi-tone BM displacement (#733 run 27, BF = 23 kHz, red solid line = 40 dB SPL, red dashed line = 50 dB SPL, red dashed/dotted line = 60 dB SPL). B) Phase of these quantities re: EC pressure. C) Comparison of normalized amplitudes of VOHC in response to multi-tone stimuli (#728 run 10, BF = 25 kHz, black line = 40 dB SPL, black dashed line = 50 dB SPL) to multi-tone OHC displacement (#733 run 27, BF=23 kHz, green solid line = 40 dB SPL, green dashed line = 50 dB SPL, green dashed/dotted line = 60 dB SPL). D) Phase of these quantities re: EC pressure. E) Comparison of normalized amplitudes of VOHC in response to single tone stimuli (#712 run 19, BF = 16.5 kHz, black dotted line = 30 dB SPL, black solid line = 40 dB SPL & black dashed line = 50 dB SPL) to single-tone BM displacement measured by Ren, et al. (2011) (blue solid line = 40 dB SPL & blue dashed line = 50 dB SPL). To make the Ren et al BM velocity comparable to our BM displacement data, velocity magnitudes were divided by 2π x stimulus frequency and plotted normalized to the EC pressure. F) Phase of these quantities re: EC pressure. To make the Ren et al phase comparable to the phase of the present study, a 25ms middle ear delay was added to the Ren et al. data (Olson, 1998) and the phase was shifted by −0.25 cycle so that it represents BM displacement.