A) Amplitude of XBM re: EC pressure, in response to single tones (solid dots) and multi-tones (solid lines). B) Corresponding phase re: EC pressure. C) Amplitude of XOHC ~ 50 μm inside the organ of Corti re: EC pressure, in response to single tones (solid dots) and multi-tones (solid lines). D) Corresponding phase re: EC pressure. E) Structural B-scan of the organ of Corti taken by OCT system, with expanded view of organ of Corti and a cartoon depiction in the inset. F) A-scan magnitude, averaged over all the A-scan magnitudes in the M-scan, of Zwuis run 26. G) Averaged A-scan magnitude of singletone run 27. #733, Zwuis run 26: BM (pixel 321), OHC (pixel 340), single tone run 27: BM (pixel 318), OHC (pixel 341). The positive displacement direction was defined as indicated by the red arrow in E.