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. 2019 Apr;9(2):140–149. doi: 10.21037/cdt.2018.09.04

Table 1. Strengths and limitations of studies included in review.

Authors Year of pub’ SDG 3.4 2030/WHO 2025 (1) target CVD/NCD/all deaths Strengths/limitations of papers
Su et al. (9) 2017 WHO CVD Analysis of single risk factors without consideration of multiple risk factors on a condition
Assumption of prevalence of hyperlipidemia in 2009 carried forward to future years
Used 5-year calculation of age-period-cohort analysis instead of single year calculation. Authors believe reduces likelihood of errors
Li et al. (13) 2017 SDG and WHO NCD Used GBD 2013, with limitations in estimation of deaths, mortality and attributable burden as other papers using GBD 2013 data
Relative risk specific to Chinese population may be different to GBD, and could affect attributable burden of risk factors and the size and direction of associations
Unable to take into account unattributable deaths
Many risk factors not included that could affect the prevalence of CVD e.g., other dietary intakes
Cobiac et al. (17) 2017 SDG and WHO NCD Many risk factors not included that could affect the prevalence of CVD e.g., other dietary intakes
Data is based on limited evidence on the associations between risk factors and impact of NCDs
González-Pier et al. (11) 2016 SDG All Unforeseen factors could affect future trends, and analysis assumed that 2010 mortality rates continued into the future. Trends from 2000–2014 also used to avoid coding biases as ICD-10 introduced in Mexico in 1998
Mexican specific data set combined with UN population data
Sacco et al. (18) 2016 WHO CVD Used GBD 2013, with limitations in estimation of deaths, mortality and attributable burden as other papers using GBD 2013 data. Limited databases in LMICs
Analysis of single risk factors without consideration of multiple risk factors on a condition
GBD (20) 2016 SDG NCD GBD has access to local country specific data sources due to their extensive global collaborative network. Variable quality of data, but multiple sources of data used e.g., vital registration data, verbal autopsy data and surveillance data
Uncertainty analysis undertaken
Multiple co-variates accounted for
Ordunez et al. (12) 2015 WHO CVD Limited databases in LMICs, especially with death rates and cause of deaths
Small numbers in countries with smaller populations should be interpreted with caution
Roth et al. (14) 2015 WHO CVD Used GBD 2013, with limitations in estimation of deaths, mortality and attributable burden as other papers using GBD 2013 data
Analysis of single risk factors without consideration of multiple risk factors on a condition
Some countries (e.g., LMICs) have issues with reliability of data due to lack of data or inaccuracies
Assumptions including changes in BP would result in shift in whole distribution of BP rather than only those with hypertension
Relative risk may not be accurate to the specific countries actual relative risk
UN lifetables used for population projections do not take into account the CVD reduction that may have happened
Norheim et al. (10) 2015 SDG All Some countries (e.g., LMICs) have issues with reliability of data due to lack of data or inaccuracies
Limited databases in LMICs, especially with death rates and cause of deaths
Kontis et al. (16) 2014 WHO NCD Some countries (e.g., LMICs) have issues with reliability of data due to lack of data or inaccuracies
Relative risk was derived from observational studies, with a possibility of residual confounding, but only used relative risk from studies with well-adjusted studies
Analysis of single risk factors without consideration of multiple risk factors on a condition
Unforeseen factors could affect future trends, and base year in analysis was 2010, so there may be changes to risk factors since this time
Kontis et al. (15) 2015 WHO NCD See Kontis et al. 2014 (16)
Santosa et al. (19) 2015 WHO NCD Swedish specific data
Lack of data on obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption and physical activity so was not included in analysis

NCD, non-communicable diseases; CVD, cardiovascular disease; SDG, Sustainable Development Goal.