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. 2019 Apr;9(4):552–564. doi: 10.21037/qims.2019.03.13

Table 3. Multiple linear regression analysis of patient characteristics and test bolus parameters associated with VCE.

Variables Correlation Coefficient standard error P value 95% confidence interval
Age (years) 2.15 0.49 0.0001* 1.33 to 2.97
Sex 37.60 10.29 0.0001* 20.45 to 54.75
BSA (m2) −157.36 33.86 0.0001* −213.80 to −100.95
PCE at test bolus (HU) 1.22 0.18 0.0001* 0.92 to 1.53

*, P<0.05; BSA, body surface area; PCE, peak contrast enhancement; VCE, vessel contrast enhancement.

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