Figure 3.
Axial MR images and pathologic image of a 70-year-old man with HCC. (a) A fat-suppressed T2-weighted fast spin-echo image shows an oval-shaped, slightly hyperintense neoplasm in the dorsal part of segment VI, with a maximum diameter of 2.6 cm. Axial precontrast (b), late artery phase (c), portal vein phase (d), equilibrium phase (e), and delay phase (f) T1-weighted 3D GRE images demonstrate a hypointense appearance of the lesion on precontrast T1-weighted images (b), high enhancement in the late arterial phase, (c) and washout in the portal vein phase (d) with an enhancing capsule that can clearly be observed in the equilibrium phase (e) and delay phase (f); all of these MRI features are consistent with typical HCC. The tumor was successfully surgically resected and was pathologically confirmed as a WD HCC.