Effect of in vivo renal Ucp2 silencing on BP, serum nitrite/nitrate, and renal KIM‐1. A,DJ‐1
−/− mice and wild‐type littermates were in vivo transfected with Ucp2 siRNA via renal subcapsular infusion. mRNA expression of Ucp2 was measured in renal homogenates by quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction and normalized by GAPDH and beta actin. Data are expressed as mean±SEM, n=4/group. *P<0.05 vs wild‐type mice, 1‐way ANOVA. B, Systolic BP in DJ‐1
−/− mice. Systolic BP was measured (Cardiomax II) from the aorta, via the femoral artery, under pentobarbital anesthesia in DJ‐1
−/− mice and wild‐type littermates transfected with Ucp2 and nonspecific siRNA via subscapular infusion (n=4/group). C and D, Serum nitrite/nitrate and renal KIM‐1 were quantified using a commercial kit. Data are expressed as mean±SEM, n=4/group, *P<0.05 vs other groups, t test and 1‐way ANOVA. BP indicates blood pressure; KIM‐1, kidney injury molecule‐1; Ucp2, uncoupling proteins 2.