Do you currently have an advance directive? n=209 |
Yes |
94 (45) |
No |
73 (35) |
Don't know |
42 (20) |
If you do not have an advance directive, why not? n=73 |
No response |
17 (30) |
I am not familiar with advance directives |
23 (41) |
I choose not to complete an advance directive |
5 (9) |
I plan to, but have not yet completed it |
17 (30) |
Other |
11 (20) |
Have you ever discussed with a doctor, in a face‐to‐face discussion, the kind of medical care you would want if you were too sick to speak for yourself? n=212 |
Yes |
155 (73) |
Have you ever discussed with a family member or friend the kind of medical care you would want if you were too sick to speak for yourself? n=214 |
Yes |
171 (80) |
Would you like to have a discussion of this type with your stroke doctor? n=211 |
Yes |
123 (58) |
No |
53 (25) |
I don't know |
35 (17) |
Have you ever discussed with a doctor your risk of having another stroke? n=206 |
Yes |
84 (41) |
No |
86 (42) |
I don't know |
36 (18) |
How often do you worry about having another stroke? n=207 |
Every day |
10 (5) |
More than half of days |
3 (1) |
Several days a week |
124 (60) |
Not at all |
70 (34) |