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. 2018 Aug 3;2018(8):CD000567. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000567.pub7

Bulger 2010.

Methods RCT
Parallel design
Participants Total number of randomised participants: 1331
Inclusion criteria: blunt mechanism of injury; ≥ 15 years of age; GCS score ≤ 8; ineligibility for enrolment in the haemorrhagic shock cohort
Exclusion criteria: known or suspected pregnancy; < 15 years of age; out‐of‐hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation; administration of > 2000 mL of crystalloid or any amount of colloid or blood products prior to enrolment; severe hypothermia (28 °C); drowning; asphyxia because of hanging; burns on > 20% of TBSA; isolated penetrating head injury; inability to obtain IV access; > 4 h between receipt of dispatch call to study intervention
Participant condition: traumatic brain injury
Baseline characteristics
Colloids group
  • Age, mean (SD): 38.5 (± 18.6) years

  • Gender, M:F: 86:273

  • BP, mean (SD): SBP: 141.2 (± 33.1) mmHg

Crystalloids group (NS)
  • Age, mean (SD): 39.5 (± 19.2) years

  • Gender, M:F: 156:426

  • BP, mean (SD): SBP: 139.1 (± 33.1) mmHg

Crystalloids group (HS)
  • Age, mean (SD): 38.6 (± 17.3) years

  • Gender, M:F: 64:277

  • BP, mean (SD): SBP: 136.9 (± 33.5) mmHg

Country: USA and Canada
Setting: 11 regional clinical centres
Interventions Colloids group
  • Participants: n = 373; losses = 14 (5 did not meet inclusion criteria; 3 met an exclusion criterion; 4 had no IV access; 1 fluid bag sterility broke; 1 EMS responder unsure of inclusion/exclusion criteria); analysed = 359

  • Details: 7.5% saline in 6% dextran 70; 250 mL

  • Additional details: single bolus; all conducted out‐of‐hospital; participants may have been given fluid before attendance of study personnel but must have only received < 2 L of crystalloid and no colloid, mannitol or blood products

Crystalloids group (NS)
  • Participants: n = 603; losses = 21 (8 did not meet inclusion criteria; 4 had inadequate time to administer; 2 met an exclusion criterion; 4 had no IV access; 2 fluid bag sterility broke; 1 EMS responder unsure of inclusion/exclusion criteria); analysed = 582

  • Details: 0.9% saline; 250 mL

  • Additional details: same as colloid group

Crystalloids group (HS)
  • Participants: n = 355; losses = 14 (5 did not meet inclusion criteria; 1 met an exclusion criterion; 6 had no IV access; 1 fluid bag sterility broke; 1 EMS responder unsure of inclusion/exclusion criteria); analysed = 341

  • Details: 7.5% saline; 250 mL

  • Additional details: same as colloid group

Outcomes Outcomes measured/reported: 6‐month neurologic status (Glasgow Outcome Score); 28‐day survival; survival to discharge; ICP; interventions required to manage intracranial hypertension; fluid and bolus requirements in first 24 h; physiologic parameters of organ dysfunction; 28‐day ARDS‐free survival; MODS; nosocomial infections
Outcomes relevant to the review: mortality (28 days)
Notes Funding/declarations of interest: National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute plus partners
Study dates: May 2006‐May 2009
Study terminated after futility criteria met at 6 months
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Randomly generated numeric code used at central location
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Randomisation scheme conducted externally and all personnel unaware of allocation
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias): mortality Low risk Quote: "Study fluids were provided in identical intravenous bags and shipped to a single distribution center, where they were labelled with a randomly generated numeric code"
Participants, caregivers, and outcome assessors were blinded to treatment
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias): mortality Low risk Participants, caregivers, and outcome assessors were blinded to treatment
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Mortality data reported for 359/373 (HSD), 341/355 (HS), and 582/603 (NS). < 5% dropout/loss in each group
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Prospective clinical trials registration: NCT00316004. All outcomes were prespecified
Baseline characteristics Low risk Baseline characteristics appear comparable
Other bias Low risk No other sources of bias identified