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. 2018 Aug 3;2018(8):CD000567. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD000567.pub7
Date Event Description
25 February 2013 Amended Minor corrections made to the results section.
31 January 2013 New citation required and conclusions have changed New study data have been included. The conclusions of the review have changed.
17 January 2013 New search has been performed Four new studies have been included (Guidet 2012, Lee 2011, Myburgh 2012, and Perner 2012).
Mortality data from a reply letter ( of a previous included study was added (James 2011).
17 October 2012 Amended Copy edits made to graph labels.
8 June 2012 Amended Copy edits made and citation corrected.
14 May 2012 New citation required but conclusions have not changed An updated search was conducted in March 2012. Nine new trials have been included (Bulger 2011; Cooper 2006; Du 2011; Dubin 2010; James 2011; Lu 2012; Maitland 2011; McIntyre 2008; Zhu 2011). The analysis and results sections have been revised accordingly. The conclusions remain unchanged. Three ongoing studies were identified (CHEST Trial; RASP trial; The 6S trial). We plan to update this review once the CHEST Trial (a large phase 3 trial comparing 6% hydroxyethyl starch and saline) is published.
16 March 2012 New search has been performed An updated search was conducted in March 2012.
10 February 2011 New citation required but conclusions have not changed The editorial group is aware that a clinical trial by Prof. Joachim Boldt has been found to have been fabricated (Boldt 2009). As the editors who revealed this fabrication point out (Reinhart 2011; Shafer 2011), this casts some doubt on the veracity of other studies by the same author. All Cochrane Injuries Group reviews which include studies by this author have therefore been edited to show the results with this author's trials included and excluded. Readers can now judge the potential impact of trials by this author (Boldt 1986, Boldt 1993, Boldt 2001, Lang 2001, Lang 2003) on the conclusions of the review.
The authors of the review have changed.
17 April 2009 New search has been performed April 2009
An updated search for new trials was conducted in October 2008. One new study was included (Brunkhorst 2008). The analysis, results and discussion sections have been revised accordingly.
16 July 2008 Amended Converted to new review format.
1 July 2007 New search has been performed August 2007
 An updated search for new trials was conducted in December 2006. Ten new studies were included (Evans 2003, Cifra 2003, Fries 2004, Guo 2003, Lang 2003, Maitland 2005, Moretti 2003, Upadhyay 2004, Verheij 2006, Wills 2005). The analysis, results and discussion sections have been revised accordingly.