Cumulative ranking probabilities for each treatment combination for 10‐week mortality. The SUCRA value represents the surface underneath the cumulative ranking curve and is the probabilities for each treatment combination to be among the n‐best options. The larger the SUCRA value, the higher the ranking probability for the treatment combination in the network. The SUCRA values for each treatment combination are as follows: AmBd (19%), AmBd + 5FC (59%), AmBd + 5FC + IFNg (59%), AmBd + FLU (45%), AmBd + FLU + 5FC (74%), AmBd + FLU + St (26%), FLU (27%), FLU + 5FC (67%), L‐Amb (67%), shortAmBd + 5FC (88%), shortAmBd + FLU (26%), shortAmBd + FLU + 5FC (45%).