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. 2018 Aug 31;2018(8):CD003944. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003944.pub2

1. Outcome measures.

Outcome measure Abbreviation Reference Type of measure Brief description Used in
Depression rating scales
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale HAMD Hamilton 1960 depressive symptom levels Clinician‐rated, multiple choice rating scale of depressive symptom severity designed to be sensitive to change with treatment in the general adult population. Reifler 1989, Petracca 1996, Petracca 2001, Lyketsos 2003
Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia CSDD Alexopoulos 1988 depressive symptom levels For the diagnosis of depression in patients with a dementia syndrome administered by a clinician. It takes 20 minutes with the carer and 10 minutes with the patient. The scale has 19 items, rated on a 3 point scale: absent, mild or intermittent and severe, based on the week prior to the interview. Lyketsos 2003, Weintraub 2010Banerjee 2011,
Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale MADRS Montgomery 1979 depressive symptom levels A 10‐item clinician‐rated diagnostic questionnaire to measure the severity of depressive symptomatology in mood disorders. de Vasconcelos 2007
Geriatric Depression Scale GDS Yesavage 1982 depressive symptom levels A 30‐item, self‐report assessment used to identify depression in the elderly. The simple response format (yes/no questions) makes it more suitable for use in those with cognitive impairment. Fuchs 1993
Cognitive measure
Mini‐mental State Examination MMSE Folstein 1975 level of cognitive functioning A 30‐point clinician‐administered cognitive test for cognitive impairment, assessing orientation, concentration, memory, language, and visuo‐spatial function. Higher scores indicate better functioning. All included studies
Activities of daily living
Psychogeriatric dependency rating scales ‐ ADL subscale PGDRS‐ADL Wilkinson 1980 need for assistance with functional abilities Physical capacity consists of 7 sub‐categories. Higher scores indicate more disability. Lyketsos 2003
Alzheimer's Disease Cooperative Study ‐ Activities of Daily Living Scale ADCS‐ADL Galasko 1997 functional ability Informant‐based, last 4 weeks. Higher score indicates better performance. Weintraub 2010
Functional Independence Measure FIM Granger 1986 need for assistance with functional abilities 18 items on self‐care, sphincter control, mobility, locomotion, communication, social cognition. Higher scores indicate more disability. Petracca 1996, Petracca 2001
Older American Resources and Services OARS‐ADL Pfeiffer 1975 functional ability An 14‐item assessment for physical function, including bathing, dressing, grooming, and continence, relying on self report. Higher scores indicate better functioning. Reifler 1989
Seoul‐Instrumental Activities of Daily Living SIADL Ku 2004 instrumental everyday activities A 15‐item instrument to assess complex functions of daily living, with a total score from 0 to 45. Higher scores reflect worse function. An 2017