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. 2018 Jun 4;2018(6):CD008687. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008687.pub2

Lacroix 1986.

Methods Parallel‐group randomised controlled trial
Participants Baseline characteristics
Number randomised: 40 participants
Number analysed: 38 participants
  • Age (years; mean (SE)): 1.59 (3.0)

  • Number of participants (n): 19

  • Gender (male/female; n): 7/12

  • Age (years; mean (SE)): 2.13 (3.4)

  • Number of participants (n): 21

  • Gender (male/female; n): 8/13

Inclusion criteria
  • All children from birth to 18 years of age

  • Admitted to the PICU with illness that precludes any oral or enteral nutrition for at least 2 days

Exclusion criteria
  • Admission to the PICU more than 24 hours previously

  • Burns or surgical problems

  • Weight < 2.5 kg

  • Admission because of GI tract bleeding

  • Need for oral or enteral feeding

  • Congenital cardiac disease

  • Creatinine > 3 mg/dL

  • Renal failure or cerebral death

  • Intoxication in which the toxic substances ingested could interact with cimetidine

  • Treatment requiring administration of cimetidine, antacids, anticoagulants, or theophylline, or dialysis

Baseline imbalances: Mechanical ventilation was used in 2 times more patients in the placebo group
Interventions Cimetidine
  • Dose (total/d): 0.13 mL/kg (20 mg/kg), up to a maximum of 6.66 mL/d (1000 mg/d)

  • Duration of treatment (days): 10

  • Route: IV

  • Intervention: Ampules for intravenous injection of drug contained 2 mL solution of cimetidine at 150 mg/mL (300 mg per ampoule). Ampules were prepared and grouped so that all those used for 1 patient contained or did not contain cimetidine

  • Concomitant medications: steroids, mechanical ventilation, blood transfusion in some

  • Dose (total/d): same amount of placebo solution

  • Duration of treatment (days): 10

  • Route: IV

  • Intervention: Ampules for intravenous injection of drug contained 2 mL placebo solution. Ampules were prepared and grouped so that all those used for 1 patient contained or did not contain cimetidine

  • Concomitant medications: steroids, mechanical ventilation, blood transfusion in some

Adherence to treatment:
Duration of trial:
Duration of follow‐up (days):
Outcomes Outcomes sought in review and reported in trial
  • Clinically important upper GI bleeding

  • Number of participants requiring blood transfusions

Outcome sought in review and not reported in trial
  • VAP

  • All‐cause mortality

  • Duration of ICU stay

  • Duration of intubation

  • Adverse events of interventions

Outcomes reported in trial and not sought in review
  • Gastric pH

  • Bleeding‐free survival

Notes Setting: PICU, Department of Pediatrics, Pediatric intensive Care Unit, Hopital Sainte‐Justine, University of Montreal, Canada
Sponsorship source: Smith Kline & French Laboratories
Conflicts of interest:
Ethics approval: Study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Hopital Sainte‐Justine
Informed consent: Written informed consent was obtained from a parent or guardian of each patient
Clinical trials registration:
Sample size calculation: We calculated a necessary sample size of 37 participants
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) High risk Quote: "Allocation of treatment followed a double‐blind pattern, according to a list set up by the Smith Kline & French Laboratories from a table of random numbers"
Judgement comment: list of random number set up by study sponsor. Some risk of bias suspected
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Quote: "Allocation of treatment followed a double‐blind pattern, according to a list set up by the Smith Kline & French Laboratories from a table of random numbers"
Judgement comment: no details about allocation concealment reported
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Comment: "double‐blind pattern". Procedures for blinding not explicitly reported, but lack of blinding is unlikely to introduce bias to the outcomes or outcome measures
Blinding (detection bias) 
 Clinically important upper GI bleeding Low risk Quote: "UGIB noted from the nasogastric tube, which had been inserted in each patient. Outcome was assessed by the appearance of UGIB and by gastric fluid pH. Massive UGIB was defined as red or brown haemorrhage from the nasogastric tube associated with a decrease in arterial blood pressure of >20 mm Hg or with an acute decrease in haemoglobin level of >2 gm/dl; obvious UGIB was defined as red or brown haemorrhage from the nasogastric tube without a decrease in arterial blood pressure or in haemoglobin level of >2 gm/dl; slight UGIB was defined as minimal bleeding appearing only at the aspiration of gastric fluid"
Comment: criteria for diagnosis of this outcome reported objectively
Blinding (detection bias) 
 Nosocomial pneumonia Unclear risk Comment: Study did not address this outcome
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 Adverse reactions of interventions Unclear risk Comment: no details about blinding of outcome assessors reported
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Comment: no incomplete outcome data suspected. All participants randomised at baseline were included in analyses
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Comment: All outcomes listed in the Methods section (GI bleeding) were also reported in the Results section
Other bias High risk Comment: Industry participates in providing drugs and conducting the trial. Mechanical ventilation (risk factor for GI bleeding) was used more often in placebo group