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. 2018 Jun 4;2018(6):CD008687. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008687.pub2

Tryba 1985.

Methods Open‐label randomised controlled trial
Participants Baseline characteristics
Number randomised:100
Number analysed: 100
  • Age (years; median (SD)): 55.8 (17.6)

  • Number of participants (n): 33

  • Gender (male/female; n): 16/17

  • Age (years; median (SD)): 55.6 (14.7)

  • Number of participants (n): 33

  • Gender (male/female; n): 8/25

  • Age (years; median (SD)): 57.1 (12.8)

  • Number of participants (n): 34

  • Gender (male/female; n): 12/22

Inclusion criteria
  • Total risk score of above 10 as devised by Tryba et al

  • Being in the intensive care unit for at least 2 days

Exclusion criteria
  • Admission because of acute GI haemorrhage

  • Gastric or duodenal ulcer in the preceding 12 months

Baseline imbalances: Quote: "There were no statically significant differences among the three treatment groups on basic or laboratory parameters"
Comment: The 3 groups were similar with respect to demographic data
Interventions Cimetidine
  • Dose (total/d): 2 g

  • Duration of treatment (days): as long as the participant was in the ICU

  • Route: IV

  • Intervention: 2 g every 24 hours by continuous IV infusion

  • Concomitant medications: All participants received 50 mg of pirenzepine daily. Enteral feeding was administered to all stable participants. Potassium phosphate was given routinely (0 to 140 mmol daily)

  • Dose (total/d): 120 mL

  • Duration of treatment (days): as long as the participant was in the ICU

  • Route: ‐

  • Intervention: 10 mL antacid containing aluminium hydroxide and calcium carbonate every 2 hours

  • Concomitant medications: All participants received 50 mg of pirenzepine daily. Enteral feeding was administered to all stable participants. Potassium phosphate was given routinely (0 to 140 mmol daily)

  • Dose (total/d): 6 g

  • Duration of treatment (days): as long as the participant was in the ICU

  • Route: ‐

  • Intervention: 1 g of sucralfate was given every 4 hours

  • Concomitant medications: All participants received 50 mg of pirenzepine daily. Enteral feeding was administered to all stable participants. Potassium phosphate was given routinely (0 to 140 mmol daily)

Adherence to regimen: Quote: "... nausea and vomiting led to the discontinuation of antacid in four patients. The interval between administration of antacid doses had to be extended to four hours in 18 patients following the removal of their stomach tubes because they refused more frequent doses. Moreover, antacids could not be administered every two hours during the night in patients without a stomach tube since it was unreasonable to awaken them repeatedly for this purpose. Nausea or vomiting occurred in nine patients receiving sucralfate following the removal of the stomach tubes. This necessitated discontinuing the drug in one
 patient and changing the dosage interval to eight hours in four patients"
Duration of trial: September 1982 to December 1983
Duration of follow up: not clearly mentioned in the study report. Probably until death or discharge
Outcomes Outcomes sought in review and reported in trial
Primary outcomes
  • Acute upper GI haemorrhage: macroscopically visible bleeding (haematemesis, bloody aspirate, or melena) as the criteria for acute upper GI bleeding

Secondary outcomes
  • All‐cause mortality in ICU

  • Adverse events due to interventions

Outcomes sought but not reported in trial
  • Incidence of ventilator‐associated pneumonia

  • All‐cause mortality in hospital

  • Duration of ICU stay

  • Duration of intubation

  • Number of participants requiring blood transfusion

  • Units of blood transfused

Outcomes reported but not used in review
  • Gastric pH values

Notes Setting: Department of Anaesthesiology and Biometry Hannover School of Medicine, Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany
Source of funding:
Conflicts of interest:
Ethics approval: Quote: "The study was carried out from September 1982 to December 1983 with institutional approval and in accordance with the guidelines of the German Drug Law"
Informed consent: ‐
Clinical trials registration:
Sample size calculation:
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Comment: not clearly mentioned in the study report
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Comment: not clearly mentioned in the study report
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Comment: This was not a placebo‐controlled trial, and the different modes of administering study interventions would not have made it possible to blind study personnel and participants
Blinding (detection bias) 
 Clinically important upper GI bleeding Low risk Comment: unclear whether outcome assessors were blinded. However, GI bleeding was an objective outcome that was detected as per the definition in the study protocol
Blinding (detection bias) 
 Nosocomial pneumonia Unclear risk Comment: Study did not address this outcome
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 Adverse reactions of interventions Low risk Comment: All other outcomes of interest were objective in nature
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Comment: All randomised participants were part of the analysis
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Comment: All intended outcomes were analysed and reported
Other bias Low risk Comment: unclear on the source of funding. No other form of bias detected