Methods | Gamma linolenic acid multicentre trial (GLAMT) RCT, 2‐arm, parallel (n‐6 GLA vs non‐fat), 1 year Summary risk of bias: moderate to high |
Participants | People with mild diabetic neuropathy CVD risk: moderate Control: randomised 57, analysed 48 (with at least one evaluation) Intervention: randomised 54, analysed 52 Mean years in trial: control 1.0, randomised 1.0 % male: control 79%, intervention 67% Mean age (SD) in years: control 52.9 (11.4), intervention 53.3 (11.1) Age range: unclear Smokers: unclear Hypertension: unclear Medications taken by at least 50% of those in the control group: insulin Medications taken by 20%‐49% of those in the control group: not reported Medications taken by some, but less than 20% of the control group: not reported Location: UK and Finland Ethnicity: not reported |
Interventions | Type: supplement Comparison: GLA (n‐6) vs placebo (paraffin) Control aims: 12 capsules/d paraffin Intervention aims: 12 capsules/d evening primrose oil (EP4, equivalent to Epogam): 0.48 g/d GLA plus LA (stated as the major constituent, dose not given, if assume 0.7 g/capsule then 8.4 g/d*) Dose aim: increase 0.48 g/d GLA or 4 kcal or 0.2% E GLA, increase ˜8.4 g/d LA or 76 kcal or 3.8% E LA, total 4% E n‐6 Baseline n‐6: unclear Compliance by biomarkers: unclear, no serum total cholesterol or tissue fatty acid levels reported Compliance by dietary intake: unclear
Duration of intervention: 1 year |
Outcomes | Main study outcome: measures of diabetic neuropathy Dropouts: control 17, intervention 10 Available outcomes: MI, cancer (no deaths) | |
Notes | Study funding: Scotia Pharmaceuticals *EPO described as being ˜70% LA in some publications, this and a 1‐g capsule size have been assumed where no other details are provided Response to contact: no response to our attempted contact |
Risk of bias | ||
Bias | Authors' judgement | Support for judgement |
Random sequence generation (selection bias) | Unclear risk | Not described |
Allocation concealment (selection bias) | Unclear risk | Not described |
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) All outcomes | Low risk | Described as double‐blind, and "[a]ctive and placebo capsules were indistinguishable in taste or appearance" |
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) All outcomes | Unclear risk | Unclear, though study described as double‐blind no methods or statement of blinding of outcome assessors was mentioned |
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) All outcomes | High risk | Reasons for withdrawal usually given, but high and dissimilar |
Selective reporting (reporting bias) | Unclear risk | No clear protocol or trials registry entry found |
Attention Bias | Low risk | Capsule only intervention and provided to all, other follow ups appeared consistent for all |
Compliance | Unclear risk | Not reported |
Other bias | Low risk | None identified |