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. 2019 May 2;16:E55. doi: 10.5888/pcd16.180486

Figure 1.

Age-adjusted mortality rate trajectories for US counties for 8 groups of counties based on group-based trajectory models, 1999–2016. The outcome measure used to generate rate trajectories was the yearly, age-adjusted, all-cause mortality rate of the county. Solid lines correspond to model-predicted values for rates; dotted lines are confidence intervals for the predicted values.

Year Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8
1999 609.1 (579.8–638.4) 758.6 (751.9–765.4) 818.1 (811.9–824.4) 895.2 (889.5–900.9) 966.0 (959.3–972.7) 1,024.7 (1,017.5–1,031.9) 1,098.9 (1,089.6–1,108.1) 1,266.1 (1,249.8–1,282.3)
2000 590.7 (566.6–614.8) 742.3 (736.74–747.8) 808.7 (804.0–813.5) 887.3 (883.0–891.7) 961.1 (955.6–966.7) 1,025.6 (1,020.0–1,031.2) 1,105.4 (1,098.5–1,112.4) 1,259.2 (1,246.1–1,272.2)
2001 573.3 (552.9–593.7) 726.9 (722.2–731.6) 798.8 (794.5–803.0) 878.2 (874.3–882.1) 954.4 (949.1–959.7) 1,023.6 (1018.5–1028.8) 1,108.09 (1102.1–1114.1) 1,252.8 (1242.1–1263.5)
2002 556.9 (538.8–575.1) 712.4 (708.2–716.6) 788.4 (784.2–792.7) 868.05 (864.1–872.00) 946.2 (940.9–951.5) 1,019.3 (1014.1–1024.6) 1,107.36 (1101.4–1113.3) 1,247.0 (1237.8–1256.3)
2003 541.6 (524.3–558.8) 698.9 (694.9–702.9) 777.9 (773.7–782.2) 857.2 (853.2–861.3) 936.9 (931.6–942.3) 1013.07 (1,007.6–1,018.5) 1,103.83 (1,097.8–1,109.9) 1,241.8 (1,233.1–1,250.5)
2004 527.2 (510.0–544.5) 686.4 (682.4–690.4) 767.5 (763.2–771.8) 846.0 (842.0–850.1) 926.8 (921.6–932.1) 1,005.4 (999.9–1011.0) 1,098.08 (1,092.0–1,104.2) 1,237.2 (1,228.3–1246.0)
2005 513.9 (496.2–531.6) 674.8 (670.7–678.9) 757.2 (753.1–761.4) 834.8 (830.8–838.8) 916.3 (911.2–921.4) 996.8 (991.2–1,002.3) 1,090.69 (1,084.8–1,096.6) 1,23315 (1,223.8–1,242.3)
2006 501.6 (483.4–519.7) 664.1 (659.9–668.4) 747.4 (743.4–751.4) 823.8 (819.8–827.7) 905.7 (900.9–910.6) 987.6 (982.1–993.2) 1,082.23 (1,076.5–1,088.0) 1,229.5 (1,219.8–1,239.2)
2007 490.2 (471.8–508.7) 654.4 (650.05–658.8) 738.2 (734.3–742.1) 813.3 (809.4–817.2) 895.4 (890.7–900.0) 978.4 (972.8–984.0) 1,073.3 (1,067.7–1,078.9) 1,226.5 (1,216.47–1,236.56)
2008 479.9 (461.5–498.4) 645.6 (641.3–650.0) 729.8 (725.9–733.7) 803.7 (799.8–807.6) 885.6 (881.17–890.2) 969.6 (963.9–975.3) 1,064.4 (1,058.8–1,070.1) 1,224.1 (1,213.9–1,234.3)
2009 470.6 (452.5–488.8) 637.8 (633.5–642.2) 722.4 (718.5–726.4) 795.3 (791.3–799.3) 876.8 (872.3–881.4) 961.7 (955.8–967.6) 1,056.2 (1,050.43–1,062.01) 1,222.2 (1,212.0–1,232.5)
2010 462.4 (444.7–480.0) 631.0 (626.7–635.3) 716.2 (712.2–720.3) 788.4 (784.3–792.6) 869.3 (864.7–873.9) 955.2 (949.1–961.3) 1,049.3 (1,043.3–1,055.3) 1,220.9 (1,210.9–1,231.1)
2011 455.1 (437.8–472.3) 625.1 (620.8–629.3) 711.45 (707.3–715.6) 783.3 (779.0–787.6) 863.43 (858.7–868.2) 950.4 (944.2–956.6) 1,044.1 (1,038.0.0–1,050.3) 1,220.1 (1,209.9–1,230.3)
2012 448.8 (431.6–466.0) 620.07 (615.73–624.41) 708.26 (704.09–712.44) 780.30 (775.99–784.61) 859.54 (854.69–864.39) 947.91 (941.73–954.08) 1041.39 (1035.21–1047.57) 1219.93 (1209.44–1230.41)
2013 443.56 (425.44–461.69) 616.1 (611.5–620.7) 706.9 (702.7–711.0) 779.7 (775.4–784.0) 858.0 (853.0–862.9) 948.2 (942.1–954.2) 1,041.6 (1,035.5–1,047.7) 1,220.3 (1,209.0–1,231.5)
2014 439.3 (419.0–459.7) 613.0 (607.8–618.1) 707.5 (703.3–711.7) 781.9 (777.5–786.3) 859.1 (853.9–864.3) 951.6 (945.7–957.5) 1,045.4 (1039.1–1051.7) 1,221.2 (1,208.5–1,233.9)
2015 436.1 (412.0–460.2) 610.9 (604.9–616.9) 710.3 (705.5–715.0) 787.1 (782.3–791.9) 863.2 (857.3–869.1) 958.7 (952.6–964.8) 1,053.31 (1,045.9–1,060.7) 1,222.7 (1,207.7–1,237.77)
2016 433.88 (404.64–463.12) 609.69 (602.53–616.85) 715.44 (709.23–721.65) 795.70 (789.68–801.71) 870.72 (863.32–878.13) 969.93 (962.45–977.41) 1065.92 (1055.95–1075.90) 1224.7 (1206.67–1242.73)

Figure 1