No. |
Search terms |
Results |
1 |
(shared decision or sharing decision or informed decision or informed choice or decision aid).ti,ab. or ((share* or sharing* or informed*) and (decision* or deciding* or choice*)).ti. |
12773 |
2 |
exp clinical decision making/ or exp decision making/ or exp decision support system/ or exp ethical decision making/ or exp family decision making/ or exp medical decision making/ or exp patient decision making/ or (decision making or decision support or choice behaviour).ti,ab. or ((decision* or choice*) and (making* or support* or behaviour*)).ti. |
355815 |
3 |
exp patient participation/ or (patient participation or consumer participation or patient involvement or consumer involvement).ti,ab. or ((patient* or consumer*) and (involvement* or involving* or participation* or participating*)).ti. |
33527 |
4 |
exp doctor patient relation/ or exp nurse patient relationship/ or ((exp nurse/ or exp physician/ or (nurse* or physician* or clinician* or doctor* or general practitioners or gps or health care professionals or healthcare professionals or health care providers or healthcare providers or resident*)).ti. and (exp patient/ or (patient* or consumer* or people*).ti.)) |
412940 |
5 |
1 or (2 and 3) or (2 and 4) or (3 and 4) |
46996 |
6 |
exp clinical trial/ or exp randomized controlled trial/ or exp controlled clinical trial/ or exp controlled trial/ or exp pretest posttest control group design/ or exp comparative study/ or exp evaluation research/ or exp intervention study/ or exp randomization/ or (random* or double blind or controlled trial or clinical trial or pretest* or pre test or pre tests or posttest* or post test or post tests or prepost* or pre post or controlled before or "before and after" or interruped time or time serie? or intervention*).ti,ab. |
8427337 |
7 |
(2015* or 2016* or 2017*).yr. |
3508644 |
8 |
5 and 6 and 7 |
4460 |
9 |
limit 8 to embase |
2206 |