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. 2018 Jul 19;2018(7):CD006732. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006732.pub4

Tinsel 2013.

Methods Study design: cluster‐randomized trial
Unit of allocation: practice
Unit of analysis: patient
Power calculation: done
Participants Care setting: primary care and ambulatory care; Germany
 Health professionals: number unknown; general practitioners; fully trained
Patients: 1120; hypertension; male and female
Interventions Multifaceted intervention: distribution of educational material, educational meeting
Quote: "Those GPs who had been allocated to the intervention group took part in an SDM training programme... which had been evaluated in various studies...The training included the following elements: (1) information on arterial hypertension, (2) physician‐patient
 communication and risk communication, (3) the process steps of SDM, (4) motivational interviewing [40,41], (5) introduction of a decision table listing options to lower CVR, and (6) use of case vignettes for role plays simulating physician‐patient consultations. Additionally, we recommended implementing a cardiovascular risk calculator for GPs which included elements of SDM... Furthermore we delivered patient information the GPs of the intervention group." page 3
Usual care (control)
 Quote: "GPs of the control group treated their patients as usual." page 3
Outcomes SDM‐Q‐9 (continuous)
Notes Additional information
Number of approached practices (eligible): 115
Number of patients per practices: 32.5 in intervention group, 29.9 in control group
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Comment: not reported in the paper.
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Comment: randomization at the GP practice level.
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 Participant‐reported outcome Low risk Quote: "The patients were blinded to the allocation of the intervention (single‐blinded study)." page 3 column 2 paragraph 1
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 Participant‐reported outcome Unclear risk Comment: lost to follow‐up at T3 and non response to outcomes is higher in higher in control group than in intervention group. Was the follow up in the 2 groups comparable? Are the principal reason for missing data related to outcomes (patient desire)? What is the pattern of reasons for discontinuation across groups? There is no clear pattern of missing data.
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Commment: tables 1,2,3 and study protocol.
Other bias Low risk Comment: no evidence of other risk of biases.
Baseline measurement? 
 Participant‐reported outcome Low risk Comment: see table 2.
Protection against contamination? Low risk Comment: randomization at the GP practice level.
Baseline characteristics patients Low risk Comment: reported and similar (See table 2).
Baseline characteristics healthcare professionals Unclear risk Comment: no information about professionals.