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. 2018 Jul 19;2018(7):CD006732. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006732.pub4
Study Reason for exclusion
Alexander 2006 The design of the study was not appropriate
Aljumah 2015 Data regarding the outcome were not available
Allen 2009 The study type was not appropriate. This is a one group pre/post‐test quasi‐experimental design
Boehmer 2014 The outcome was not appropriate
Boyd 2010 The outcome was not appropriate
Brinkman 2013 The study design was not appropriate
Brown 2004 The outcome was inappropriate, only preference was stated
Davison 2007 The intervention was after the consultation
Golnik 2012 The design of the study was not appropriate. Inappropriate number of control sites, less than four
Green 2011 The outcome was not appropriate
Hack 2007 The intervention was after the consultation
Hanson 2011 The outcomes were not appropriate
Harmsen 2014 The intervention was not appropriate
Hermansen Kobulnicky 2002 Relevant data were not presented and are clearly unobtainable
Hoffman 2014 Hypothetical scenario
Jangland 2012 The study design was not appropriate
Koekkoek 2012 The study design was not appropriate
Kopke 2009 The outcomes were not appropriate, only the active patient was reported and not the shared decision
Kupke 2013 The outcome was not appropriate
Langewitz 1998 The outcome related to SDM is limited to a single item from an observer‐based multiple instrument
Leader 2012 The outcomes of the study were not appropriate
LeBlanc 2017 The outcome was not appropriate
Man‐Son‐Hing 1999 The outcomes of the study were not appropriate
Maslin 1998 Relevant data were not presented and are clearly unobtainable
McCormack 2011 The design of the study was not appropriate. Inappropriate number of control sites, less than four
NCT01550731 The outcome was not appropriate
NCT02033499 The outcome was not appropriate
NCT02319525 The outcome was not appropriate
Ockhuysen‐Vermey 2008 The outcomes of the study were not appropriate
Price‐Haywood 2014 The outcome was reported by a standardized patient
Riippa 2014 The study design was not appropriate
Roelands 2004 The outcomes of the study were not appropriate
Schwalm 2012 The outcomes of the study were not appropriate
Simon 2012 The participants in the study were not appropriate. The healthcare professional was virtual, so it was difficult to measure SDM
Smith 2010a The outcomes of the study were not appropriate; we could not be sure if the preference for involvement in the screening decision was the actual or preferred involvement.
Spertus 2011 The design of the study was not appropriate. This is a pre‐post‐ cross‐sectional study
van Tol‐Geerdink 2008 The design of the study was not appropriate
Wagner 2012 The outcome was not appropriate
Whelan 2003 The outcomes of the study were not appropriate, only the active patient was reported and not the shared decision

SDM: shared decision making.