Study | Reason for exclusion |
Alexander 2006 | The design of the study was not appropriate |
Aljumah 2015 | Data regarding the outcome were not available |
Allen 2009 | The study type was not appropriate. This is a one group pre/post‐test quasi‐experimental design |
Boehmer 2014 | The outcome was not appropriate |
Boyd 2010 | The outcome was not appropriate |
Brinkman 2013 | The study design was not appropriate |
Brown 2004 | The outcome was inappropriate, only preference was stated |
Davison 2007 | The intervention was after the consultation |
Golnik 2012 | The design of the study was not appropriate. Inappropriate number of control sites, less than four |
Green 2011 | The outcome was not appropriate |
Hack 2007 | The intervention was after the consultation |
Hanson 2011 | The outcomes were not appropriate |
Harmsen 2014 | The intervention was not appropriate |
Hermansen Kobulnicky 2002 | Relevant data were not presented and are clearly unobtainable |
Hoffman 2014 | Hypothetical scenario |
Jangland 2012 | The study design was not appropriate |
Koekkoek 2012 | The study design was not appropriate |
Kopke 2009 | The outcomes were not appropriate, only the active patient was reported and not the shared decision |
Kupke 2013 | The outcome was not appropriate |
Langewitz 1998 | The outcome related to SDM is limited to a single item from an observer‐based multiple instrument |
Leader 2012 | The outcomes of the study were not appropriate |
LeBlanc 2017 | The outcome was not appropriate |
Man‐Son‐Hing 1999 | The outcomes of the study were not appropriate |
Maslin 1998 | Relevant data were not presented and are clearly unobtainable |
McCormack 2011 | The design of the study was not appropriate. Inappropriate number of control sites, less than four |
NCT01550731 | The outcome was not appropriate |
NCT02033499 | The outcome was not appropriate |
NCT02319525 | The outcome was not appropriate |
Ockhuysen‐Vermey 2008 | The outcomes of the study were not appropriate |
Price‐Haywood 2014 | The outcome was reported by a standardized patient |
Riippa 2014 | The study design was not appropriate |
Roelands 2004 | The outcomes of the study were not appropriate |
Schwalm 2012 | The outcomes of the study were not appropriate |
Simon 2012 | The participants in the study were not appropriate. The healthcare professional was virtual, so it was difficult to measure SDM |
Smith 2010a | The outcomes of the study were not appropriate; we could not be sure if the preference for involvement in the screening decision was the actual or preferred involvement. |
Spertus 2011 | The design of the study was not appropriate. This is a pre‐post‐ cross‐sectional study |
van Tol‐Geerdink 2008 | The design of the study was not appropriate |
Wagner 2012 | The outcome was not appropriate |
Whelan 2003 | The outcomes of the study were not appropriate, only the active patient was reported and not the shared decision |
SDM: shared decision making.