Patients who take opioids for chronic pain or cancer treatments.
Patients who have taken opioids in the last month.
Patients who are pregnant, in police custody, intoxicated, cognitively impaired, or otherwise unable to fully consent and participate.
Patients who are hemodynamically compromised, in respiratory distress, or in severe emotional or physical distress.
Patients older than 70 or younger than 18.
Patients who will be admitted to hospital or deemed to have a critical illness
Patients who are cognitively impaired
Patients who are suicidal or homicidal ideation by chart review and clinician assessment
Patients who have evidence of current drug abuse, as measured by a DAST‐10105 score of 2 or greater
Patients with evidence of aberrant behavior based on clinical assessment.
Patients who do not have a phone, text messaging OR email address
Patients under police arrest at ED visit
Patients who are non‐English or Spanish speaking
Patients previously enrolled
Patient with any current contraindications for NSAIDs or opioid medications including allergies, chronic kidney disease (GFR90, if measured).