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. 2018 Jun 4;2018(6):CD009642. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009642.pub3

12. Adverse events.

Study ID Type of adverse event/side effect ‐ lidocaine group Type of adverse event/side effect ‐ control group No adverse events/side effects detectable (statement)
Ahn 2015 NA NA “Not one patient had a postoperative complication related to lidocaine infusion.”
Baral 2010 Light headache (3), cardiac arrhythmias (0), perioral numbness (0), hypotension (0) Cardiac arrhythmias (0), perioral numbness (0), hypotension (0) NA
Bryson 2010 Light‐headedness, tinnitus, dysgeusia, etc. (11) Light‐headedness, tinnitus, dysgeusia, etc. (21) NA
Cassuto 1985 Light‐headedness (1) Light‐headedness (1) "No adverse reactions to lidocaine were observed."
Chen 2015 NA NA NA
Choi SJ 2012 Dizziness 24 hrs/ 48 hrs/ 72 hrs (1/1/1),
itching 24 hrs/ 48 hrs/ 72 hrs (8/3/0),
respiratory repression 24 hrs/ 48 hrs/ 72 hrs (0/0/0)
Dizziness 24 hrs/ 48 hrs/ 72 hrs (3/2/1),
itching 24 hrs/ 48 hrs/ 72 hrs (6/2/1),
respiratory repression 24 hrs/ 48 hrs/ 72 hrs (0/0/0)
Choi GJ 2016 NA NA “There were no adverse events related to the investigational procedure or systemic administration of lidocaine such as arrhythmia, perioral numbness, visual disturbance, metal taste, or light‐headedness.”
Choi KW 2016 NA NA "In addition, none of the patients showed symptoms or signs associated with lidocaine toxicity during the perioperative period."
Cui 2010 Drowsiness (0), metal taste (0), perioral numbness (0), visual disturbances (0) Drowsiness (0), metal taste (0), perioral numbness (0), visual disturbances (0) "No patient reported any side effect of lidocaine toxicity."
Dale 2016 Severe bradycardia (1), perioral paraesthesia (1), restless legs (1) Severe bradycardia (0), perioral paraesthesia (0), restless legs (0) NA
De Oliveira 2012 NA NA "We did not observe any potential cardiovascular or neurological side effects associated with the infusion of systemic lidocaine in our investigation."
De Oliveira 2014 NA NA "We did not observe any potential cardiovascular or neurological side effects associated with the infusion of systemic lidocaine in our investigation."
Dewinter 2016 NA NA “Both groups did not differ with respect to the incidence of other AEs. No patient receiving lidocaine reported subjective symptoms of local anesthetic systemic toxicity.”
El‐Tahan 2009 Perioperative arrhythmia (0), light‐headedness (0), headache (0), perioral numbness (0), tunnel vision (0), seizures (0) Perioperative arrhythmia (0), light‐headedness (0), headache (0), perioral numbness (0), tunnel vision (0), seizures (0) "There were no reported serious side effects during the study."
Farag 2013 Pneumonia (0), respiratory failure (0), cardiac arrest (0), arrhythmia (0), heart failure (0), stroke (0), intravascular coagulopathy (0), thromboembolism (0), delirium (0), monoplegia (0), upper gastrointestinal bleeding (0), sepsis (0), readmission (2) Pneumonia (0), respiratory failure (0), cardiac arrest (0), arrhythmia (0), heart failure (0), stroke (0), intravascular coagulopathy (0), thromboembolism (0), delirium (0), monoplegia (1), upper gastrointestinal bleeding (0), sepsis (0), readmission (3) NA
Grady 2012 NA NA NA
Grigoras 2012 NA NA "No side effects related to lidocaine were observed."
Groudine 1998 NA NA "No patient experienced identifiable adverse events related to the lidocaine infusion."
Herroeder 2007 NA NA NA
Insler 1995 Death (1), myocardial infarction (0) Death (1), myocardial infarction (0) NA
Ismail 2008 NA NA NA
Jain 2015 Drowsiness (3) Drowsiness (0) “None of the patients complained of lignocaine‐related side effects such as perioral numbness or metallic taste. The incidence of light‐headedness and nausea was comparable in both the groups. Three patients in Group B demonstrated drowsiness in the postoperative period lasting between 10 and 17 mins.”
Kaba 2007 NA NA NA
Kang 2011 NA NA NA
Kasten 1986 NA NA NA
Kim TH 2011 NA NA "There was no adverse effect from intravenous lidocaine throughout the study."
Kim TH 2013 NA NA "In our study, no neuropsychiatric events were observed throughout the process."
Kim HJ 2014 NA NA “No specific complication or side effect regarding lidocaine or dexmedetomidine was reported.”
Kim HO 2014 Hospital mortality (0) Hospital mortality (0) “There were no significant lidocaine‐related adverse events during our trial.”
Kim KT 2014 NA NA “There were no side effects from the lidocaine, such as arrhythmia, hypotension, and hypersensitivity.”
Koppert 2004 NA NA "No anaesthesiologist noted adverse events related to the lidocaine infusion during surgery. Furthermore, no patient after having regained consciousness complained of lidocaine‐related side effects such as perioral numbness or metallic taste. The incidences of drowsiness, light‐headedness, and nausea were comparable in the lidocaine and control groups."
Kuo 2006 Bradycardia (3) Bradycardia (0) "No patient experienced an identifiable adverse event related to IV lidocaine infusion."
Lauwick 2008 NA NA NA
Lauwick 2009 Bleeding (1), sepsis (1), chest infection (1) Bladder leakage (1) NA
Lee 2011 Atrial fibrillation (9), other arrhythmia (7), myocardial infarction (0), death (0) Atrial fibrillation (5), other arrhythmia (10), myocardial infarction (0), death (0) "All patients started on lidocaine completed their full course of drug and did not experience any adverse events related to the local anaesthetic, such as severe bradycardia (< 40 beats min‐1), asystole, or neurological symptoms."
Maquoi 2016 NA NA NA
Martin 2008 NA NA "No patient reported lidocaine toxicity side effects and no adverse events were reported in both groups"
Mathew 2009 Serious adverse events (12.3%), no detailed description Serious adverse events (10.2%), no detailed description "Adverse events were not significantly different between treatment groups."
McKay 2009 Dizziness and visual disturbances (1) NA "There were no serious adverse events recorded."
Mitchell 1999 Death (1) Death (1) NA
Mitchell 2009 Death due to multiorgan failure (3) and acute graft occlusion (1) Death (0) NA
Oliveira 2015 NA NA NA
Omar 2013 Hypotension (0) Hypotension (0) NA
Ortiz 2016 NA NA "There was no arrhythmia or adverse effect occurrence."
Peng 2016 Hypertension (3), coronary heart disease (0) Hypertension (4), coronary heart disease (0) “There were no seizures or other symptoms of potential lidocaine toxicity found in patients who received lidocaine infusion. There was no significant difference in the number of cases complicated by hypertension, tachycardia, dysphoria, or PONV between the normal saline group and the lidocaine group.”
Rimbäck 1990 Sedation (2) NA "No adverse reactions to lidocaine were reported."
Saadawy 2010 NA NA NA
Samimi 2015 NA NA "...also none of the patients experienced lidocaine‐related adverse effects."
Slovack 2015 Confusion (1), sedation (2), light‐headedness/dizziness (0), blurred vision (0), hypotension (0), respiratory depression (0), pruritus (0) Confusion (0), sedation (0), light‐headedness/dizziness (0), blurred vision (1), hypotension (1), respiratory depression (0), pruritus (0) NA
Soltani 2013 NA NA NA
Sridhar 2015 NA NA NA
Staikou 2014 Transient confusion in PACU (1), bradycardia requiring treatment (0) Transient confusion in PACU (0), bradycardia requiring treatment (0) NA
Striebel 1992 NA NA No signs of urticaria, dermatitis, asthma bronchiale, anaphylactic shock, restlessness, anxiety, lalopathy, tinnitus, metallic taste, dizziness, visual disturbance, and tremor.
Swenson 2010 Wound infection (0), anaemia (1), anxiety (1), supraventricular tachycardia (3), back pain (0), bradycardia (0), confusion (2), decreased oxygen saturation level (1), dizziness/light‐headedness (1), fever (1), hyperglycaemia (3), hypertension (3), itching (3), lower extremity numbness (1), intravascular device infection (0), syncope (0), arrhythmia severe (1), confusion severe (1), facial numbness severe (1), shortness of breath (1) Wound infection (1), anaemia (1), anxiety (0), supraventricular tachycardia (1), back pain (1), bradycardia (1), confusion (0), decreased oxygen saturation level (0), dizziness/light‐headedness (1), fever (1), hyperglycaemia (0), hypertension (0), itching (3), lower extremity numbness (6), intravascular device infection (1), syncope (1), arrhythmia severe (1), confusion severe (0), facial numbness severe (0), shortness of breath (0) NA
Terkawi 2014 NA NA " toxicity cases were reported in our cohort...."
Tikuisis 2014 Light‐headedness (0), perioral numbness (0), metallic taste (0), dizziness (0), and visual disturbances (0) NA "Lidocaine‐associated haemodynamic changes such as severe hypotension, bradycardia, and arrhythmia were not observed in any lidocaine group patient during surgery."
Wallin 1987 Drowsiness (2) NA "Aside from drowsiness in two patients of the lidocaine group, no side effects due to possible lidocaine overdosage were reported."
Wang 2002 Death (2) Death (4) NA
Wang 2015 NA NA NA
Weinberg 2016 Pruritus (6), dizziness (14), visual disturbances (4), perioral numbness (2), muscle weakness (1), constipation (4) Pruritus (9), dizziness (20), visual disturbances (6), perioral numbness (2), muscle weakness (3), constipation (10) NA
Wongyingsinn 2011 NA NA "No patients showed signs of lidocaine toxicity in the postoperative period."
Wu 2005 NA NA "No patient experienced an identifiable adverse event related to the lidocaine infusion, except that an occasional arrhythmia with stable vital signs was noted in one patient in both groups."
Wuethrich 2012 Light‐headedness (0), drowsiness (0), perioral numbness (0), visual disturbances (0), metal taste (0), pathological cardiac rhythm disturbances (0), and seizures (0) NA "No postoperative complications and no adverse events related to systemic administration of lidocaine were observed."
Xu 2017 NA NA NA
Yang 2014 Blurred vision (0), hearing problems (0), peripheral paraesthesia (0), dizziness (0), uncontrolled muscle contraction (0), convulsions (0), hypotension (0),
 bradycardia (0), headache (0), and itching (0) NA NA
Yardeni 2009 NA NA NA
Yon 2014 Shivering (0), tinnitus (0) Shivering (1), tinnitus (0) NA
Zengin 2015 Pruritus (1) Pruritus (4) NA

Acronyms and abbreviations used in this table:

AE = adverse events, IV = intravenous, NA = not available, PACU = postanaesthesia care unit, PONV = postoperative nausea and vomiting