a) Taking the front speed
as the order parameter, there is a phase transition at a critical obstacle density
depending on system size
. For an infinite system,
. For
, we have
. (
b) Roughness
of fully developed interfaces at
for varying obstacle densities, as a function of the window length
, such that
. At
, we find
, consistent with the KPZ universality class. At
, we find
, consistent with the QEW universality class (see
Theory in the Materials and methods section), which is known to be characterized by two roughness exponents, a local exponent (
, panel b), and a global exponent
when the roughness is measured over the whole system size (see panel c) (
Amaral et al., 1995). Importantly for
, there is a crossover length scale below which the system displays QEW scaling, whereas it returns to the KPZ scaling on longer length scales. (
d) The time evolution
of the interface also follows dynamics consistent with KPZ (
) and QEW (
) in the limiting cases. For intermediate
, there is a crossover from qEW at short times to KPZ dynamics at longer times, before the roughness saturates at a
-dependent value. For easier analysis, all simulations were performed in a box-like geometry.