#1 |
[mh polypharmacy] |
126 |
#2 |
[mh "inappropriate prescribing"] |
71 |
#3 |
[mh "potentially inappropriate medication list"] |
0 |
#4 |
[mh deprescriptions] |
0 |
#5 |
[mh "medication errors"] |
331 |
#6 |
polypharma*:ti,ab |
234 |
#7 |
((beer* or shan* or mcleod*) near/3 criter*):ti,ab |
23 |
#8 |
("fit for the aged" near/3 (criter* or list* or instrument or classif*)):ti,ab |
1 |
#9 |
((forta or rasp or priscus) near/3 (criter* or list* or instrument)):ti,ab |
5 |
#10 |
(stopp criter* or stopp list*):ti,ab |
24 |
#11 |
((concomitant* or concurrent* or inappropriat* or appropriat* or suboptim* or sub‐optim* or unnecessary or incorrect* or excess* or multip* or inadvert* or discontinu*) near/1 (medicine* or medicat* or prescrib* or prescription* or drug*)):ti,ab |
2379 |
#12 |
((over near/1 (prescrib* or prescript*)) or (over‐prescrib* or overprescrib*) or ("or more" near/1 (medication* or prescrib* or prescript*))):ti,ab |
154 |
#13 |
((under near/1 prescrib*) or underprescrib* or under‐prescrib*):ti,ab |
20 |
#14 |
(deprescrib* or deprescript*):ti,ab |
6 |
#15 |
(quality near/2 (prescribing or prescription* or medication*)):ti,ab |
151 |
#16 |
(improv* near/2 (prescrib* or pharmaco* or prescription*)):ti,ab |
476 |
#17 |
(prescri* near/1 cascade*):ti,ab |
0 |
#18 |
("assessing care of vulnerable elders" or acove):ti,ab |
10 |
#19 |
((multi‐drug* or multidrug*) near/2 (prescrib* or prescription* or regimen* or therap* or treatment*)):ti,ab |
364 |
#20 |
{or #1‐#19} |
3932 |
#21 |
[mh aged] |
993 |
#22 |
[mh geriatrics] |
216 |
#23 |
(elder* or geriatric*):ti,ab |
19391 |
#24 |
((old* or aged) near/1 (person* or adult* or people or patient* or inpatient* or outpatient*)):ti,ab |
21045 |
#25 |
aged next care:ti,ab |
130 |
#26 |
[mh veterans] |
614 |
#27 |
veteran*:ti,ab |
2559 |
#28 |
{or #21‐#27} |
39695 |
#29 |
#20 and #28 Publication Year from 2013 to 2016 |
165 |