Figure 2.
Steps in the BNR. The tunnelers are passed ventrally from the posterior bladder dissection into the developed space of Retzius (A,B). Once the sling is passed from posterior to anterior (C), the urethra is unroofed up through the bladder neck to the level of the interureteric ridge (D). At this point, the Foley catheter is exchanged for a 5-F feeding tube, and the urethra is retubularized in 2 layers with a running simple suture of 4-0 Vicryl followed by 3-0 Vicryl (E). After the LM repair is completed, the sling is tightly wrapped 360° and attached to the pubic bone using 6 screws from a hernia tacker (F). Permission for use of this figure has been obtained from Elsevier Publishing Company. The originally published form can be found at Gargollo (2).