Table 1.
Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with late-life depression (LLD) and healthy control participants.a
LLD | Healthy Control | Statistic | Significance (p) | |
Age (years) | 72.5 (6.5) | 72.8 (6.0) | t = 0.26 | 0.79 |
Education (years) | 15.0 (2.7) | 16.9 (2.2) | t = 3.81 | < 0.001a |
Gender (M/F, number) | 16 / 28 | 26 / 33 | χ2 = 0.62 | 0.43 |
HDRS (total) | 23.5 (4.5) | 1.3 (1.3) | t = 31.42 | < 0.001a |
TMT-A (s) | 57.9 (45.4) | 40.5 (13.9) | t = 2.45 | 0.02a |
TMT-B (s) | 127.5 (66.8) | 90.7 (36.5) | t = 3.27 | 0.002a |
DRS-2 I/P (raw) | 36.3 (1.3) | 36.0 (3.1) | t = 0.72 | 0.47 |
Stroop Interference | −3.3 (7.6) | −3.8 (7.7) | t = 0.29 | 0.78 |
FrSBe-EF | 43.4 (11.5) | 25.8 (5.6) | t = 9.06 | < 0.001a |
ARWMC Ratings | 4.7 (4.3) | 2.7 (3.0) | t = 2.65 | 0.01a |
Log of WMHr percentage | −1.9 (1.1) | −2.4 (1.0) | t = 2.65 | 0.009a |
Denotes statistically significant difference. Values shown are mean (standard deviation) unless otherwise noted. ARWMC = age-related white matter changes scale; DRS-2 I/P = Dementia Rating Scale-2 Initiation/Perseveration scale; FrSBe-EF = Frontal Systems Behavior Scale-Executive Functions subscale; HDRS = Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; TMT = Trial Making Test; WMHr = White Matter Hyperintensities ratio.