Overexpression of full-length PlxnA2 prevents ventral growth of dI1 axons. (A) Schematics of the constructs used in B-I. Math1 drives dI1 neuron-specific expression. Axon growth was assessed by (B,F) anti-HA immunolabeling and (C,G) EGFP fluorescence. (B-E′) The dorsal spinal cord (D,H) and floorplate (E,I) are shown at higher magnification. The expression of full-length PlxnA2 impaired the ventral growth of commissural axons (arrowheads in D). Only EGFP-positive, but no HA-positive, axons were found at the midline (asterisk in E,E′). Note that not all EGFP-positive neurons/axons showed PlxnA2 expression (arrowheads in D′,E′), which indicates an inverse relationship between PlxnA2 protein levels in commissural neurons and the ventral projection of their axons. (F-I′) PlexinA2ΔCT misexpression did not impair the ventral growth of commissural axons (arrowheads in H,H′). HA-positive axons grew ventrally and crossed the midline (arrowheads in I,I′). Scale bars: 100 µm.