FOXM1 Conferred Poor Sorafenib Response on HCC Cells Partially through LINC-ROR
(A) CCK-8 assays were performed to detect the proliferation of HepG2 cells transfected with LINC-ROR or FOXM1 or co-transfected with FOXM1 and shROR, respectively. (B) CCK-8 assays were performed to detect the proliferation of HCCLM3 cells transfected with shROR or shFOXM1 or co-transfected with shFOXM1 and LINC-ROR. (C) IC50 values of sorafenib in HCC cell lines were measured by CCK-8. (D) The correlation plot of IC50 of sorafenib and relative LINC-ROR level. (E) A correlation plot of IC50 of sorafenib and relative FOXM1 level. (F) Quantification of colony-formation ability of HepG2 cells treated with LINC-ROR or FOXM1 or co-treated with FOXM1 and shROR individually, with sorafenib or DMSO added. (G) Quantification of colony-formation ability of HCCLM3 cells transfected with shROR or shFOXM1 or co-transfected with shFOXM1 and LINC-ROR individually, with sorafenib or DMSO treatment. (H) Quantification of total apoptosis rate of HepG2 cells after transfection of LINC-ROR or FOXM1 or co-transfection of FOXM1 and shROR, supplemented with sorafenib or DMSO. The percentage represents the sum of both the Annexin- and 7-AAD-positive populations. (I) Quantification of total apoptosis rate of HCCLM3 cells after transfection with shROR or shFOXM1 or co-transfection with shFOXM1 and LINC-ROR, supplemented with sorafenib or DMSO. The percentage represents a sum of both the Annexin- and 7-AAD-positive populations. All data are presented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. The p values represent comparisons between groups (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001).