Reaction of ferrous heme-NO complexes with oxygen.
A, WT iNOSoxy; B, WT nNOSoxy; C, V346I iNOSoxy; D, K82A iNOSoxy; E, W409F nNOSoxy (pH 7.6); F, W409F nNOSoxy (pH 9.5). All reactions were between the preformed ferrous-NO complex (around 5 μm) and 170 μm oxygen (final concentrations). The samples included H4B and l-Arg except K82A iNOSoxy, which corresponds to l-Arg alone. The initial spectrum is shown as a thick black line, and final spectra are indicated by thin black lines. Selected spectra during the reaction are shown in gray. The arrows indicate the direction of the absorbance change. Insets, absorbance changes for the wavelength maxima of the FeIINO species (around 436 nm; open symbols) and the FeIII species (around 396 nm; closed symbols).