(A) Initial situation 6 weeks after extraction of teeth #12, #24-25 and #34. (B) Second quadrant: implant placement #28, sinus floor elevation and bone augmenation with a 7-mm bone ring block and immediate implant placement #26. (C) Sinus cavity filled with bovine bone substiute and covered with a collagene membrane. (D) Radiological control 8 months after surgery with stable bone around the shouders of the implants. (E) After opening the flap, the graft seemed to be well integrated. (F) Five weeks after re-entry and 9 months after initial surgery healthy soft tissues was observable. (G) Prosthtetic restoration in place. (H) Radiological control 14 months after surgery, (I) compared to 36 months, showed hard tissue maturation and stable dental implants.