Automation of miR-21, miR-17 and miR-126 in a Ventana instrument. LNA probes to: miR-21 (a); miR-17 (b); and miR-126 (c) were used on FFPE colon cancer samples in a Tecan Genepaint instrument (a–c) and a Ventana Discovery Ultra instrument (a’–c’), using AP detection and NBT-BCIP substrate (blue). The sections were counterstained with nuclear fast red. At optimized experimental conditions, the Ventana and Tecan instruments showed identical staining patterns. miR-21 in stromal fibroblastic cells (a,a’); miR-17 in cancer cells (b,b’); and miR-126 in endothelial cells (c,c’). Scale bars in (a–c) are representative for (a’–c’).