Acrolein exposure increases biomarkers of pulmonary and nasal injury. BALF (left column) and NALF (right column) samples were collected at necropsy following either 1 or 2 days of exposure in Wistar and GK rats exposed to 0, 2, or 4 ppm acrolein. Samples were analyzed for (A and B) total protein, (C and D) albumin, (E and F) NAG activity, (G and H) GGT activity, and (I and J) LDH activity. Data show mean ± SE (n = 6/group). *p < .05 significantly different than 0 ppm group within same strain. §p < .05 significantly different than 2 ppm group within same strain. †p < .05 significantly different between strains at the same dose. N.D., not detectable.