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. 2019 May 14;2019(5):CD012533. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012533.pub2

Wray 2010.

Methods A prospective 2 × 3 randomised control group design (September 2005‐April 2007)
Participants Spouse or partner caregivers of veterans with moderate‐to‐severe dementia identified via (a) the Veterans Information System Technology Architecture Patient Care database activity indicating an encounter coded for a dementia diagnosis, (b) clinician referral, (c) self or family referral in response to information and publicity about the study. The study was conducted in New York, United States of America. Caregivers were primary caregivers who lived with the person for at least one year, and exhibited at least a moderate level of caregiving strain as defined by a score of 7 or more. Caregivers mean age was 73.94 years (SD not reported). Mean years of caregivers education in the intervention group was 12.69 (SD 3.04) and in the control group 12.34 (SD 2.40). Mean monthly income (US dollars) was similar across the two groups; intervention group (2784.22, SD 1351.47) and control group (2420.75, SD 1376.32).
Interventions Intervention: The Telehealth Education Program (TEP) (group‐delivered, up to 8/group) (n = 83)
Aim: To address major areas that can be problematic for caregivers who want to continue to take care of the veteran with dementia at home: (a) verbal and nonverbal communication, (b) effective structuring of caregiver–patient interactions, (c) management of challenging behavioural problems, and (d) accessing resources and planning for the future.
Interventionist(s): Four trained group leaders (three masters‐prepared social workers and one nurse dementia care manager) with expertise in geriatrics led the support groups.
Mode of delivery: Telephone
Duration: 10 weeks (group format in groups of up to 8, 1 hour telephone meetings)
Content: A TEP participant workbook and leader manual were developed for the project. Caregiver participants followed a TEP participant work­book at each of the sessions and weekly homework assignments were included. The TEP group intervention protocol included three primary components: (a) education about dementia and its symptoms and about caregiving skills and resources to address these symptoms, (b) emotion‐focused (such as relaxation and self‐care strategies) and problem‐focused coping strategies (such as problem‐solving and caregiving skills), and (c) group support. TEP content was designed to address major areas that can be problematic for caregivers who want to continue to take care of the veteran with dementia at home: (a) verbal and nonverbal communication, (b) effective structuring of caregiver–patient interactions, (c) management of challenging behavioural problems, and (d) accessing resources and planning for the future.
Standardisation: No detail provided
Comparison group: Usual care (n = 75)
Outcomes Cost: No specific instruments. Veteran health care cost and utilisation data were collected from national abstracts of the VA’s Decision Support System (DSS) and the fee basis files hosted at the VA Austin Automation Center (AAC).
For each participant, all cost and utilisation data were summed over 6‐month time intervals, resulting in a total value for each of three data collection periods: baseline (0–6 months before the intervention), short‐term follow‐up time point (from intervention start to 6 months following the start of the intervention), and medium‐term follow‐up time point (from 6 to 12 months after the start of the intervention).
Notes The information reported was from a paper linked to the registered trial.
VA and VMCA were not explained but they appear to be the names or linked to the name of the health care centres/organisations.
Additional unpublished results requested via email in October 2017; results not received at the time of submission of this review
Funding source: Department of Veterans Affairs, Veterans Health Administration, Health Services Research and Development Service (IIR 03‐076‐01) (p.631)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Insufficient information to assess
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Insufficient information to assess
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Unable to blind due to nature of the intervention
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Stated that “…data were extracted by one of the investigators (Jian Gao) who was blind to the participants’ group membership” (p.626)
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Unclear risk Insufficient information to assess
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk All stated outcomes reported
Other bias Unclear risk Insufficient information to assess. Stated “no statistically significant differences between participants in the two conditions at baseline” (p.627). This referred to caregivers only but results were based on patient hospitalisation and this may have impacted on outcomes.

AA: Alzheimer's association
 AAC: Austin Automation Center
 ADL: Activities of daily living
 ADRD: Alzheimer's disease or related disorders
 AHA: American Heart Association
 BAC: Behavioural activation intervention through group conference call
 BCOS: Bakas caregiver outcomes scale
 BPSD: Behavioural and psychological dimensions of depression
 BSI‐18: Brief symptom inventory ‐ 18
 CAI: Caregiver appraisal instrument
 CBC: Cognitive behavioural intervention via group conference call
 CBS: Conditional bother scale
 CBT: Cognitive behavioural therapy
 CED‐D: Definition unable to be foundCES‐D: Center for epidemiological depression scale
 CGs: Caregivers
 CHHB: Caregiver health and behaviour inventory
 CONNECT: Definition unable to be found, may not be an acronym
 CR: Care recipient
 CRA: Caregiver reaction assessment
 CSQ‐8: Client satisfaction questionnaire ‐ 8
 DASS‐21: Depression, anxiety and stress scale ‐ 21
 DSM‐IV: Diagnostic and statistical of mental disorders ‐ IV
 DSS: Decision support system
 DVD: Digital video disc
 FAD: Family assessment devise
 FAI: Frenchley activities index
 FamHFcare: Family heart failure care
 FECH: Further enabling care at home
 FITT: Family intervention telephone tracking
 FITT‐D: Family intervention telephone tracking ‐ dementia
 FITT‐NH: Family intervention telephone tracking ‐ nursing home
 GDS: Geriatric depression scale
 GI: Gastrointestinal
 HF: Heart failure
 hr: hour
 IADL: Instrumental activities of living
 IHBMP: In‐home behavioural management program
 MA: Masters of Arts
 MADRC: Michigan Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
 MCA: Modified caregiver appraisal 
 M‐CSI: Modified caregiver strain index
 MMSE: Mini‐mental state examinationMS: Multiple sclerosis
 MSc: Master of Science
 NHMRC: National health medical research
 NIMH: National institute for mental health
 NSMS: Nurse specialist in multiple sclerosis
 PART‐O:Participation assessment with recombined tools–objective
 PCS: Perceived criticism scale
 PMR: Progressive muscle relaxation
 PPI: Pressing problems index
 PPO:Positive problem orientation
 PSI: Problem solving intervention
 PWD: People with dementia
 PwMS: People with multiple sclerosis
 REACH:Resources for enhancing alzheimer's caregiver health
 RMBPC: Revised memory and behavior problem checklist
 RPS: Rational problem‐solving
 SCIDCV: Structured clinical Interview for disease and statistics manual ‐IV Axis I disorders clinician version
 SCQ: Sense of competence questionnaire
 SE: Self‐efficacy
 SE‐CUT: Self‐efficacy: controlling upsetting thought
 SE‐OR: Self‐eficacy: obtaining respite
 SE‐RDB: Self‐efficacy: responding to disturbing behaviours
 SF‐12: Short Form ‐ 12
 SF‐36: Short Form ‐36
 SP: Support person
 SPSI‐R: Social problem‐solving inventory–revised
 SPSI‐S: Short version of the social problem solving inventory – revised
 SRAHP: Self‐rated abilities for health practices scale
 STAI: State–trait anxiety inventoryTALK: Defintion not able to be found, may not be an acronym 
 TBI: Traumatic brain injury
 TEP:Telehealth education program
 TO: baseline
 TSC: Telephone support condition
 TSG: Telephone support group
 WHOQoLBREF: World Health Organisation Quality of Life Abbreviated Version
 ZBI: Zarit Burden Interview