a, Confocal images of a slice co-electroporated with
CheRiff and VARNAM (n = 5 fields of view). Single and double
arrows in the merged image indicate neurons expressing one or both constructs,
respectively. b,c, Optical and electrical spikes
induced by 10 Hz (b) and 50 Hz (c) blue-light pulses
(vertical blue lines) (0.5 ms, 0.5–1 mW mm−2). Arrow in
c indicates spike failure. Gray box indicates interval shown at
an expanded time scale. *Blue-light artifact (1 mW mm−2).
d, Fluorescence responses to 400 ms blue-light illumination
(blue steps) at increasing intensities (0.4–2.4 mW
mm−2). e, Confocal images of a fixed slice from
PV-Cre+ mouse showing cell-type-specific VARNAM and CheRiff
expression (n = 7 fields-of-view).
f,g, Mean optical and electrical IPSPs evoked by
(f) blue-light pulses (2.5 mW mm−2) at
depolarized (left) and resting potentials (right) and (g) longer
trains of pulses at depolarized potentials. n = 15 trials,
each. Shading denotes s.e.m.