Figure 4.
Consumption of H2O2 by untreated skeletal muscle (a–d), and heart (e) mitochondria after exogenous addition of 2.5 µM H2O2. Negative values represent net consumption, positive values represent net production (see Munro et al., 2016 for methodological details). Aura = auranofin, an inhibitor of the thioredoxin reductase. For mouse skeletal muscle, n = 4 for all conditions, except for no substrate and M at 37°C, where n = 6. For NMR skeletal muscle at 37°C, n = 3; at 30°C, n = 4 for MGS +ADP, n = 5 for MGS and MGS + Aura, and n = 6 for all other conditions. For the heart, n = 4 (4 animals per preparation) for all. Other details are as in Figure 2