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. 2015 Aug 4;2015(8):CD008875. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008875.pub2

Day 2001.

Methods Randomized controlled trial with 2 parallel groups
1 centre
Country: USA
Participants Neurological intensive care unit
Age, years: 53 post‐pyloric; 60 gastric
Not stated whether participants were mechanically ventilated
APACHE III score: 44.5 post‐pyloric; 51.7 gastric
Inclusion criteria
1‐Patient with primary neurological diagnosis
2‐Expected to require enteral feeding for at least 72 hours
3‐Approved for inclusion by their primary physician
Exclusion criteria
1‐Patient with documented gastroparesis
2‐Pre‐existing gastrointestinal bleeding
3‐Contraindication to head elevation of at least 30 degrees
4‐Absence of gag reflex
Number of participants randomly assigned: 25
Number of participants who received intended treatment: 14 post‐pyloric; 11 gastric
Number of participants analysed: 14 post‐pyloric; 11 gastric 
Interventions All participants had a 10 French, 3 gram weighted tip Corflow Ultra NG enteral feeding tube (Corpak Med Syatem) placed in stomach or duodenum. Tube was inserted blindly and position was confirmed by abdominal X‐ray 
Same feeding protocol was used in both groups
Study nutrition period was continued until 10 days after enrolment or participant death
Outcomes Primary outcome
1‐Percentage of recommended calories and protein received by participant
Secondary outcomes
1‐Physiological effect of feeding
2‐Reasons for delay in feeding
3‐Volume of feeding residual
4‐Number of feeding tubes replaced
5‐Cost of feeding
6‐Numbers and types of complications
7‐Aspiration pneumonia: no definition provided 
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "Group assignment was performed using a software‐generated randomization schedule"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "the number generated were placed into sealed envelopes"
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Participants not blinded, but outcome not likely to be influenced
Personnel: not mentioned by study authors
Comments: probably personnel not blinded, otherwise this would be mentioned
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Not mentioned by study authors
Comments: outcome not likely to be influenced, as incidence of pneumonia was not reported
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk No missing outcome data
Intention‐to‐treat analysis
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Study protocol is available, and all primary and secondary outcomes have been reported
Other bias Low risk Study appears to be free of other source of bias