a) Representative toluidine blue stained sections of stifle joints from c-kit-dependent mast cell-deficient
KitW-sh/W-sh mice (
KitW-sh/W-sh + PBS), c-kit-dependent mast cell-deficient mice engrafted with BMCMCs (
KitW-sh/W-sh + BMCMCs), and C57BL/6J mast cell-sufficient mice (Wild-type + PBS). Mast cells (red arrows in high magnification images) were present in mast cell-sufficient controls (Wild-type + PBS, left panels) and mast cell-engrafted mice (
KitW-sh/W-sh + BMCMCs, right panels), but not in the mast cell-deficient mice (
KitW-sh/W-sh + PBS, middle panels). (
b) Quantification of toluidine blue-stained mast cells in (
a). (
c) Representative toluidine blue staining of stifle joint sections from c-kit-independent (
Mcl1fl/fl) mast cell-deficient mice (
Cpa3-Cre;Mcl1fl/fl + PBS),
Mcl1fl/fl mice engrafted with BMCMCs (
Cpa3-Cre;Mcl1fl/fl + BMCMCs), and
Mcl1+/+ mast cell-sufficient control mice (
Mcl1+/+ + PBS). Mast cells (red arrows in high magnification images) were present in mast cell-sufficient controls (
Mcl1+/+ + PBS, left panels) and mast cell-engrafted mice (
Cpa3-Cre;Mcl1fl/fl + BMCMCs, right panels), but not in the mast cell-deficient mice (
Cpa3-Cre;Mcl1fl/fl + PBS, middle panels). (
d) Quantification of toluidine blue-stained mast cells in (
c). (
e) To further characterize
Cpa3-Cre;Mcl1fl/fl mice that developed cartilage degeneration (
Figure 2—figure supplement 1b), anti-tryptase antibody staining was performed on sections of the affected joints. Tryptase-positive mast cells (red arrows) were identified in the joints of most
Cpa3-Cre;Mcl1fl/fl mice that developed osteoarthritis. Scale bars are 200μm for the lower magnification images (upper panels), and 50 μm for the higher magnification images (lower panels). DMM, destabilization of the medial meniscus. Statistical comparisons were performed using Tukey’s multiple comparison test (*P <0.05, **P < 0.01). PBS, phosphate-buffered saline. BMCMCs, bone marrow-derived cultured mast cells.