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. 2014 Sep 9;2014(9):CD008638. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008638.pub2
Did the study include readiness to wean criteria?
(If yes, please list)
Did the study screen daily for these criteria?
□ Yes                    □ Unclear          □ No
□ Yes                    □ Unclear          □ No
Did the study include an SBT?
If yes, what technique was used for the SBT?
(e.g. PS, T‐tube, CPAP, other, not specified)
If yes, what was the duration of SBT?
If yes, criteria for SBT failure provided?
□ Yes                    □ Unclear          □ No
□ Yes                    □ Unclear          □ No
If yes, please list criteria:
Control arm weaning strategy
Control strategy described?
If yes, how was weaning guided in the control arm?
If yes, what mode or technique was used in the control arm?
Type of clinician responsible for implementing the control strategy? (check ALL that apply)
□ Yes                    □ Unclear          □ No
□ Protocol              □ Usual practice (clinician discretion)             
□ Other, please specify______________________________________
□ SIMV                           □ PS
□ Daily T‐piece              □ Intermittent (multiple daily) T‐piece
□ Combination of the above, please specify
□ Other, please specify
□ Physician                      □ Nurse         □ Respiratory therapist
□ Kinesiotherapist                
□ Other, specify___________________________________________
□ Mixed, specify___________________________________________
SmartCare™ weaning arm
Was SmartCare™ used in the intervention arm?
Type of clinician responsible for implementing SmartCare™ strategy? (check ALL that apply)
□ Yes                    □ Unclear          □ No
□ Physician                   □ Nurse         □ Respiratory therapist
□ Kinesiotherapist                
□ Other, specify___________________________________________
□ Mixed, specify___________________________________________