2. Methods planned in the protocol but not used in this review.
Issue | Method |
Primary Outcomes | We will consider both the level and rate of language development (as indicated by the change in scores) but will analyse these separately. |
Measurement of treatment effect |
Binary and categorical data Binary or dichotomous data (for example, vocabulary improvement versus no change) may occur. Categorical data may also be presented where ordinal measurement scales are used. We will analyse these data by calculating the odds ratio and presenting it with a 95% confidence interval. |
Continuous data Most data from the expected outcome measures are likely to be continuous data such as standardised language test results, mean length of utterance (in words or morphemes), number of different words, and total number of words as derived from spontaneous language samples. Similarly, secondary outcomes (for example, changes in parental and child interactional behaviours) are also likely to be continuous data. Where possible, we will extract the numbers of participants, means and standard deviations in the intervention and control groups. We will use change‐from‐baseline scores (change scores) and postintervention only scores if the required means and standard deviations are available, as we expect to find only a small number of RCTs, thus making comparability at baseline problematic. We will analyse change scores and postintervention scores separately. However, if all studies measure outcomes using a uniform measurement scale, we will combine the different types of analyses using the (unstandardised) mean difference (or the 'difference in means') method in Review Manager 5 (RevMan 2014), as recommended in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Deeks 2011). Where studies measure the same outcome using different methods, we will use the standardised mean difference to combine studies and present it with 95% confidence intervals as a summary statistic. We will use Hedge's g to calculate the effect size since it is more appropriate for studies with small samples, as is expected in this review (Hedges 1985). Given the nature of child language assessment, it is likely that studies will use different methods of administration (for example, parental questionnaires versus direct assessment) and measure different aspects of language (comprehension versus expression). Therefore, we may need to conduct separate analyses for these outcomes. | |
Unit of analysis issues |
Cluster‐randomised trials It is possible that we will include cluster‐randomised trials in this review (for example, groups of children attending different clinics or preschools). In this case, appropriate statistical approaches should be used; for example, using a 2‐sample t‐test to compare the means of the cluster in the intervention group at cluster level, or a mixed‐effects linear regression approach at individual level (Donner 2000). We will contact the study author(s) if it is unclear that appropriate adjustments have been made (Donner 2000). If individual level data cannot be secured, we will control the data for the clustering effects using the procedures described in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Higgins 2011b).This will either be by extracting the number of clusters (or groups) randomised to each intervention group or the average (mean) size of each cluster; by extracting the outcome data ignoring the cluster design for the total number of individuals (for example, means and standard deviations); or by extracting an estimate of the intracluster correlation coefficient (ICC). We will obtain an appropriate ICC by using external estimates obtained from similar studies, and if this cannot be achieved we will explore the impact of the inclusion of data from cluster‐randomised trials by imputing a set of ICCs (for example, high (0.1), moderate (0.01), and small (0.001) ICC). We will calculate the inflated standard errors that account for clustering by multiplying the standard errors of the effect estimate by the square root of the design effect as outlined in Higgins 2011b (Chapter 16.3.6). We will combine the results with those from individually randomised trials for meta‐analysis using the generic inverse variance method in Review Manager 5 (RevMan 2014), providing that clinical heterogeneity between the studies is small (Donner 2000; Higgins 2011b). |
Multi‐arm studies For studies that compare more than 2 intervention groups, we intend to combine results across eligible intervention groups (that is, parent‐mediated interventions) to form a single intervention group and use pair‐wise comparisons to compare these with all eligible control groups combined to form a single control group. We will give detailed descriptions of the intervention groups and the nature of each study in the 'Notes' and 'Interventions' sections of the 'Characteristics of included studies' tables. | |
Dealing with missing data | We will contact the authors of the included studies, where necessary, and ask them to supply any missing data or relevant unreported information. We will describe the missing data and the reasons, numbers and characteristics of dropouts/attrition for each included study in the 'Risk of bias' tables beneath the 'Characteristics of included studies' tables. We will consult the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions for options for dealing with missing data (Higgins 2011b). If the data appear to be missing at random, we will analyse the available data only. If data are not missing at random, we will impute the missing data with replacement values and treat these as if they were observed. For missing continuous data, we will impute the missing data either by using last observation carried forward or mean scores. For dichotomous data, we will perform a sensitivity analysis based on best and worst case scenarios to assess how sensitive results are to changes in the missing data (Gamble 2005). A best case scenario is where all participants with missing outcomes in the intervention group had good outcomes, and those in the control group had poor outcomes; a worst case scenario is the reverse. We will address the potential impact of missing data on the findings of the review in the Discussion section. |
Assessment of heterogeneity | We will assess statistical heterogeneity by using the Chi2 test for heterogeneity, through visual inspection of forest plots, and by using the I2 statistic (Higgins 2002; Higgins 2003). As the Chi2 test has low power in a meta‐analysis of a small sample of studies, we will use the recommended P value of 0.10 (rather than the typical value of 0.05) to determine statistical significance (Deeks 2011). In addition to a test of statistical heterogeneity, we will use the I2 statistic to detect inconsistencies across studies. We will use the formula and guidelines for interpreting the outcomes outlined in Deeks 2011 (section 9.5.2), which includes taking the magnitude and direction of effects into account as well as the strength of evidence for statistical heterogeneity (for example, a CI for I2). Should we identify any unexpected variability in these areas we will discuss it in full. |
Assessment of reporting bias | We will draw funnel plots (estimated differences in intervention effect sizes against their standard error) if we find sufficient studies (N = 10). An asymmetric appearance of the funnel plot might indicate a relationship between effect size and study size, which would suggest the possibility of either reporting bias or poor methodological quality in small studies leading to inflated effects. If we identify funnel plot asymmetry, and there are at least 10 studies included in the meta‐analysis, we will consult a statistician for assistance in implementing statistical tests for funnel plot asymmetry in line with recommendations in the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Sterne 2011). Should a relationship between trial and effect size emerge, we will examine the clinical diversity of the studies (for example, sample size or use of blinded outcome measures). |
Data synthesis | We will carry out a meta‐analysis using Review Manager 5 (RevMan 2014), if there are sufficient data and where the interventions are similar in terms of the characteristics of the participants, the ways in which parent‐mediated interventions are delivered, the frequency and duration of interventions, and the outcome measures used. We will apply both fixed‐effect and random‐effects models and compare the results to assess the impact of statistical heterogeneity. We will present the results from the random‐effects model only, unless contraindicated (for example, if there are large differences between the results from fixed‐effect and random‐effects meta‐analyses or if there is funnel plot asymmetry). In the case of serious funnel plot asymmetry, we will present both fixed‐effect and random‐effects analyses, under the assumption that asymmetry suggests that neither model is appropriate. If the same outcome is presented as dichotomous data in some studies and as continuous data in other studies, we will convert odds ratios for the dichotomous data to standardised mean differences if it can be assumed that the underlying continuous measurements follow a normal or logistic distribution. Otherwise, we will conduct separate analyses. |
Subgroup analysis and investigation of heterogeneity | If we identify sufficiently homogenous studies, we will conduct subgroup analyses to assess the impact of the following.
Sensitivity analysis | We will conduct a sensitivity analysis to examine the impact of study quality on the robustness of the conclusions drawn. This will be based on our assessment of the risk of bias concerning the quality of factors such as randomisation, blinding of outcome assessment, and completeness of data. We will include in the analysis studies that we categorise as low or unclear risk of bias for these factors. |
RCT: randomised controlled trial.