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. 2018 Oct 29;2018(10):CD012661. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012661.pub2

Guerrero‐Romero 2006.

Name of study None
Inclusion criteria Men and non‐pregnant women, aged 20–64 years, were recruited from the city of Durango, northern Mexico; with NGT or IGT
Exclusion criteria Participants who failed to attend 2 or more visits
Notes Baseline data for IGT cohort at baseline progressing to T2DM (N = 20); all individuals were counselled on the importance of diet and physical exercise (standard care for the whole cohort)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Study participation: description of source population or population of interest Low risk Cohort study in healthy Mexicans to determine predictors for the development of metabolic disorders
Study participation: description of glycaemic status at baseline Low risk Yes
Study participation: adequate description of sampling frame & recruitment Unclear risk Time frame unclear
Study participation: adequate description of period & recruitment place Unclear risk Period of recruitment unclear
Study participation: adequate description of inclusion & exclusion criteria Low risk Inclusion and exclusion criteria described
Study attrition: description of attempts to collect information on participants who dropped out Unclear risk Not reported
Study attrition: reasons for loss to follow‐up provided Unclear risk Not reported
Study attrition: adequate description of participants lost to follow‐up Unclear risk Not reported
Study attrition: no important differences between participants who completed the study and those who did not Unclear risk Not reported
Glycaemic status measurement: provision of clear definition or description of glycaemic status Low risk IGT
Glycaemic status measurement: valid and reliable method of glycaemic status measurement Low risk Yes
Glycaemic status measurement: continuous variables reported or appropriate cut points used Low risk IGT: 2‐h PG ≥ 7.8 to < 11.1
Glycaemic status measurement: same method and setting of measurement of the glycaemic status for all study participants Low risk Yes
Outcome measurement: clear definition of the outcome provided Low risk 2‐h PG: ≥ 11.1
Outcome measurement: method of outcome measurement used valid & reliable Low risk Yes
Outcome measurement: same method & setting of outcome measurement for all study participants Low risk Yes
Study confounding: important confounders measured Unclear risk Some covariates measured (for association between beta‐cell function and IGT/T2DM) (see Appendix 16 and Appendix 17)
Study confounding: clear definitions of important confounders provided Unclear risk Not reported
Study confounding: measurement of confounders valid & reliable Unclear risk Not reported
Study confounding: same method & setting for measurements of confounders for all study participants Low risk Yes
Study confounding: appropriate methods used if missing confounder data imputed Unclear risk Not reported
Study confounding: important potential confounders accounted for in study design Low risk For beta‐cell function and IGT/T2DM
Study confounding: important potential confounders accounted for in the analysis Unclear risk Some confounders measured
Statistical analysis & reporting: sufficient presentation of data to assess adequacy of the analytic strategy Low risk Cumulative incidence, incidence rate
Statistical analysis & reporting: the statistical model is adequate for the design of the study Low risk Multivariate logistic regression on relative risk of IGT or T2DM associated with beta‐cell function