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. 2018 Oct 29;2018(10):CD012661. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012661.pub2

Peterson 2017.

Name of study Follow‐up of a cohort originally from the population‐based Västerbotten Intervention Program (VIP), a strategy to reach all middle‐aged persons individually at ages 40, 50 and 60 years, by inviting them to participate in systematic risk factor screening and individual counselling about healthy lifestyle habits; neuropathy study part of the VIP
Inclusion criteria All individuals who became 40, 50 or 60 years and who belonged to the list for a specific primary care centre or lived within the area for that centre
Exclusion criteria People not participating in the neuropathy study
Notes Baseline data for IGT cohort (N = 29)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Study participation: description of source population or population of interest Low risk Yes
Study participation: description of glycaemic status at baseline Low risk Yes
Study participation: adequate description of sampling frame & recruitment Low risk Yes
Study participation: adequate description of period & recruitment place Low risk Yes
Study participation: adequate description of inclusion & exclusion criteria Low risk Inclusion and exclusion criteria described
Study attrition: description of attempts to collect information on participants who dropped out Low risk Yes
Study attrition: reasons for loss to follow‐up provided Low risk Yes
Study attrition: adequate description of participants lost to follow‐up Low risk Yes
Study attrition: no important differences between participants who completed the study and those who did not Low risk Yes
Glycaemic status measurement: provision of clear definition or description of glycaemic status Low risk Yes
Glycaemic status measurement: valid and reliable method of glycaemic status measurement Low risk Yes
Glycaemic status measurement: continuous variables reported or appropriate cut points used Low risk IGT: FPG < 7.0 and 2‐h PG ≥ 7.8 to < 11.1
Glycaemic status measurement: same method and setting of measurement of the glycaemic status for all study participants Low risk Yes
Outcome measurement: clear definition of the outcome provided Low risk Yes
Outcome measurement: method of outcome measurement used valid & reliable Low risk FPG ≥ 7.0; 2‐h PG ≥ 11.1
Outcome measurement: same method & setting of outcome measurement for all study participants Low risk Yes
Study confounding: important confounders measured Unclear risk Cumulative incidence
Study confounding: clear definitions of important confounders provided Unclear risk Cumulative incidence
Study confounding: measurement of confounders valid & reliable Unclear risk Cumulative incidence
Study confounding: same method & setting for measurements of confounders for all study participants Unclear risk Cumulative incidence
Study confounding: appropriate methods used if missing confounder data imputed Unclear risk Cumulative incidence
Study confounding: important potential confounders accounted for in study design Unclear risk Cumulative incidence
Study confounding: important potential confounders accounted for in the analysis Unclear risk Cumulative incidence
Statistical analysis & reporting: sufficient presentation of data to assess adequacy of the analytic strategy Low risk ANOVA, regression analyses
Statistical analysis & reporting: the statistical model is adequate for the design of the study Unclear risk Cumulative incidence