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. 2018 Dec 6;2018(12):CD009362. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009362.pub3

Diaz‐Valenzuela 2014.

Methods Trial design: RCT
Trial grouping: parallel
Ethics and informed consent: yes
 Follow‐up period: 30 days
Sample size estimate: yes (560 people required)
ITT analysis: no; number randomised: 247; number analysed: 229
Funding: Ministry of Health of the Government of Andalusia, in the call for Research Biomedical and Health Sciences in Andalusia 2010 with No. of record PI‐ 0772‐2010
Participants Country: Spain
 Setting: nursing homes in the province of Córdoba
Number: 247 people recruited (121 olive oil group; 112 included in analysis; 126 fatty acid group, 117 in analysis)
 Inclusion criteria: people living in nursing homes with moderate or high risk of PUs (≥ 14 on the Braden scale)
Exclusion criteria: people with an existing PU; those with vascular disease or those with an extremely poor medical condition
  • mean age: olive oil: 84,06 years; fatty acid: 81.7 years

  • mean Braden score: olive oil: 12.06; fatty acid: 12.09

  • men: olive oil: 19%; fatty acid: 27.8%

  • incontinent urine: olive oil: 6.6%; fatty acid: 11.9%

  • incontinent mixed: olive oil: 83.4%; fatty acid: 88.1%

  • repositioning: olive oil: 33,1%; fatty acid: 27.8%

  • pressure redistribution mattresses: olive oil: 43.0%; fatty acid: 32.5%

  • local pressure redistribution devices: olive oil: 38.8%; fatty acid: 39.7%

  • nutritional supplements: olive oil: 8.3%; fatty acid: 3.28%

Both groups were equivalent at baseline
Interventions Intervention group: application every 12 h to risk areas, of extra virgin olive oil (Oleicopiel)
Control group: application every 12 h to risk areas, of HOFAs (Mepentol)
Outcomes Primary outcomes:
PU incidence
  • Outcome type: dichotomous outcome

  • Reporting: fully reported

  • Unit of measure: numbers

  • Direction: lower is better

  • Data value: endpoint

Secondary outcomes:
Time to onset of the PU
  • Outcome type: continuous outcome

  • Reporting: fully reported

  • Unit of measure: survival analysis

  • Direction: higher is better

  • Data value: endpoint

Identification Author's name: Antonio Díaz Valenzuela
Institution: Hospital de Alta Resolución de Puente Genil
Address: Miguel Quintero Merino, 14500 Puente Genil (Córdoba)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Computer software (Epidat 3.1) was used to generate random number sequence (ratio 1:1)
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Not mentioned
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Double‐blind
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Double‐blind
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Similar numbers and with similar reasons from each group were lost to follow‐up
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Although the protocol was not viewed, PU development and time to PU development were assessed. These are expected outcomes in this type of study.
Other bias Low risk Baseline characteristics were similar and there were no other risks of bias obvious