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. 2018 Dec 6;2018(12):CD009362. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009362.pub3

Forni 2018.

Methods Trial design: RCT
Trial grouping: parallel
Ethics and informed consent: unclear
 Follow‐up period: 8 days
Sample size estimate: yes (359 people required)
ITT analysis: yes; number randomised: 359; number analysed: 359
Funding: sponsored by the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli; identifier: NCT02692482
Participants Inclusion criteria:
  • people aged ≥ 65 years with hip fragility fracture without NPUAP scale stage ≥ 2 PU

  • people or legal guardians who gave their consent to take part in the study

Exclusion criteria:
  • people with known allergy to the product being tested or dermatological diseases that prevent the use of topical products

  • people with peri‐prosthetic or pathological fractures

  • people with diaphyseal or distal femoral fractures

  • age: mean (SD): 84.3 (7.7) multi‐layered dressing incorporating hydrocellular foam, hyper‐absorber, lock‐away core with a silicone wound contact layer; 83.2 (7.7) standard care

  • female: n (%): 144 (81,4%) multi‐layered dressing incorporating hydrocellular foam, hyper‐absorber, lock‐away core with a silicone wound contact layer; 145 (79.7%) standard care

Interventions Intervention group: application of a multi‐layered dressing incorporating hydrocellular foam, hyper‐absorber lock‐away core with a silicone wound contact layer over the sacral region within 24 h of admission and replaced when detached, wet or dirty in addition to standard care (PU risk assessment using the Braden scale within 24 h of admission. Place patient on pressure mattress (static or alternating pressure) if Braden score < 18, daily inspection of the skin in the various pressure points and moving the patient every 4 h after surgery. Management of possible incontinence, humidity control and prevention of skin damage and rubbing/friction during postural changes as per hospital procedure)
Control group: standard care: PU risk assessment using the Braden scale within 24 h of admission. Place patient on pressure mattress (static or alternating pressure) if Braden score < 18, daily inspection of the skin in the various pressure points and moving the patient every 4 h after surgery. Management of possible incontinence, humidity control and prevention of skin damage and rubbing/friction during postural changes as per hospital procedure
Outcomes Primary outcome:
PU incidence in the sacral anatomical location
  • Outcome type: dichotomous outcome

  • Reporting: fully reported

  • Unit of measure: numbers

  • Direction: lower is better

  • Data value: endpoint

Secondary outcomes:
PU incidence in other anatomical location
  • Outcome type: dichotomous outcome

  • Reporting: not reported

  • Unit of measure: numbers

  • Direction: lower is better

  • Data value: endpoint

PU severity
  • Outcome type: dichotomous outcome

  • Reporting: fully reported

  • Unit of measure: numbers

  • Direction: lower is better

  • Data value: endpoint

Adverse events: skin irritation/damage
  • Outcome type: dichotomous outcome

  • Reporting: not reported

  • Unit of measure: numbers

  • Direction: lower is better

  • Data value: endpoint

Identification Sponsorship source: Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
Country: Italy
Setting: elderly population admitted for fragility hip fractures
Comments: no comments
Author's name: Cristiana Forni
Institution: Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
Address: Bologna, Italy, 40136
Notes Sponsor: Insituto Ortopedico Rizzoli
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "Randomization list in blocks of ten was generated by computer"
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "Opaque envelopes were used to contain the type of treatment (new polyurethane foam multilayer dressing or standard care) according to the sequence indicated by the list; the envelopes were numbered and tied in blocks of ten".
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Open‐label
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Open‐label
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk All those randomised included in the final analysis
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk All outcomes reported
Other bias Unclear risk Baseline comparability not reported