Study | Reason for exclusion |
Alvarez Vázquez 2014 | Wrong study design |
Callaghan 1998 | Not an RCT |
Declaire 1997 | Not an RCT |
Duimel‐Peeters 2007 | Cross‐over trial |
Garcia Fernandez 2005 | Review of a previous study by Torra i Bou |
Hsu 2011 | Quasi‐experimental |
Huang 2009 | Not an RCT |
Kalowes 2013 | In previous version of the review |
Kuisma 1987 | Treatment intervention not prevention |
Park 2014a | Wrong study design |
Park 2014b | Duplicate |
Santamaria 2013 | Duplicate |
Smith 2010 | Not an RCT |
Stoker 1990 | Treatment intervention not prevention |
Torra i Bou 2009 | Cost analysis from an unpublished study, presented at a Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel meeting in 2002. No abstract available |
Wen‐Yi 2013 | Wrong study design |