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. 2018 Nov 7;2018(11):CD001903. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001903.pub4

Lambrechts 2017.

Methods Prospective, single‐centre, non‐blinded, randomised controlled trial to compare KD (classic KD and MCT KD) to a control group over a 4‐month period. Follow‐on studies then compared long‐term clinical outcomes at 16 months, cognitive and behavioural impacts and an economic evaluation. A 4‐week baseline period was completed.
Participants 57 participants aged 1 to 18 years with drug‐resistant epilepsy, seizures not adequately controlled by 2 or more AEDs and surgical remedial causes of epilepsy not viable. Study was conducted in the Netherlands
Interventions Randomised into 1 of 2 groups; KD (classic KD and MCT KD) and control for a four‐month period
  • Seizure reduction

  • Adverse events

  • Attrition

  • Quality of life

  • Cost‐effectiveness

  • Cognitive and behavioural changes

Notes 7 participants in the KD group dropped out by 4 months; 1 due to compliance, 1 due to ineffectiveness, 1 due to ineffectiveness combined with adverse events, 2 due to adverse events alone, 1 due to change in seizure pattern and 1 due to withdrawn consent. In the control group 9 participants dropped out, all 9 due to dissatisfaction with randomisation arm. By 16 months, a further 4 participants had discontinued KD; 2 due to compliance, 1 due to ineffectiveness and 1 due to ineffectiveness combined with adverse events. Data at 16 months for the control group is not presented as the control arm had no option to commence KD after the initial 4‐month control period was completed.
Exclusion criteria: medical contraindications, behavioural or motivational problems that would preclude compliance.
The study was supported financially by the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk ALEA, minimisation method of sequence generation
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Not stated
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Study did not report whether blinding was undertaken although it seems from the design of the study that blinding would not be possible.
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) Low risk Study attrition reported and ITT analysis carried out
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Protocol published. No evidence to suggest selective reporting bias
Other bias High risk Excluded participants with motivational or behavioural problems. Baseline differences in mood and behaviour scores, gender balance and seizure frequency (no significance value reported to fully assess extent). Gastrointestinal problems greater at baseline in KD group compared to control (P < 0.05). Under powered to assess QALYs and tool extrapolated from adult tariffs.