a, Empirical distributions of various predicted and measured properties of DNA from 169,279 SpCas9 gRNA target sites in the human genome. Number of target sites per range used to design Lib-A are indicated. b, Cumulative percentage of endogenous deletions in VO target sites in HEK293 (n = 89 target sites), HCT116 (n = 92), and K562 (n = 86) that delete up to the reported number of nucleotides (X-axis). c, Schematic of the cloning process used to clone Lib-A and Lib-B (Methods, Supplementary Discussion, Supplementary Methods). d, Number of unique high-confidence editing outcomes (Supplementary Methods) called by simulating data subsampling in data in Lib-A (n = 2000 target sites) in mESCs (combined data from n = 3 independent biological replicates) and U2OS cells (combined data from n = 2 independent biological replicates). For “all”, the original non-subsampled data is presented. Each box depicts data for 2,000 target sites. Outliers not depicted. e, Pearson r of genotype frequencies comparing Lib-A in mESCs and U2OS cells with endogenous data in HEK293 (n = 87 target sites), HCT116 (n = 88), and K562 (n = 86). Outliers are depicted as fliers. 1-bp insertion frequency adjustment was performed at each target site by proportionally scaling them to be equal between two cell types. f, Pearson r of genotype frequencies at Lib-A target sites comparing two independent biological replicate experiments in mESCs (n = 1,861 target sites, median r = 0.89) and U2OS cells (n = 1,921, median r = 0.77). Outliers are depicted as fliers. Box plots denote the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles and whiskers show 1.5 times the interquartile range.