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. 2018 Oct 23;2018(10):CD012414. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012414.pub2

2. Participants disposition of included studies.

Study Intervention (s) and comparator (s) Screened/eligible (n) randomised (n) Analysed (efficacy; n)a Analysed (safety; n) Finishing trial (n (%))b
Aydogdu 2011 Tadalafil 20 mg/day, 3 days/week 85/74 NR 32 NR 32
No treatment NR 33 NR 33
Total 74 65 65
Kim 2016 Daily sildenafil 50 mg 100/97 49 47 47 37
On‐demand sildenafil 100 mg 48 47 47 37
Total 97 94 94 74
McCullough 2010 Daily sildenafil citrate 50 mg 227/212 73 59 NR 59
Daily intraurethral alprostadil 125 μg (dose titration 250 μg) 139 97 NR 97
Total 212 156 156
Montorsi 2008 Daily vardenafil 5–10 mg 997/628 210 143 207 137
On‐demand vardenafil 5–20 mg 208 149 204 141
Placebo 210 153 206 145
Total 628 445 617 423
Montorsi 2014 Daily tadalafil 5 mg 583/423 139 139 139 98
On‐demand tadalafil 20 mg 143 142 143 112
Placebo 141 141 141 105
Total 423 422 423 315
Pace 2010 Daily sildenafil 50 mg or 100 mg NR/40 20 20 NR 20
No treatment 20 20 NR 20
Total 40 40 40
Padma‐Nathan 2008 Daily sildenafil 100 mg 238/125 41 28 41 28
Daily sildenafil 50 mg 41 23 40 23
Placebo 43 25 42 25
Total 125 76 123 76
Pavlovich 2013 Daily sildenafil 50 mg with on‐demand placebo 102/100 50 36 50 36
On‐demand sildenafil 50 mg (maximum 6 tablets/month) with daily placebo 50 38 50 38
Total 100 74 100 74
Grand Total 1699 1307 1357 1223

n: number of participants; NR: not reported.

aThe number of participants in erectile function outcome.

bThe number of participants finishing the trial at the end of the washout period or open‐label treatment.