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. 2018 Dec 4;2018(12):CD013186. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013186

Piccolo 2002.

Study characteristics
Patient sampling Study design: Case series
Data collection: Retrospective image selection/Prospective interpretation
Period of data collection: NR; 6‐month period
Country: Italy
Patient characteristics and setting Inclusion criteria: Pigmented lesions excised because of equivocal dermoscopic findings or at the patient’s request
Setting: Secondary (general dermatology); from authors' institution
Prior testing: Dermatoscopic suspicion; Patient request for evaluation/excision
Setting for prior testing: NR
Exclusion criteria: None reported
Sample size (participants): N included: 289
Sample size (lesions): N included: 341
Participant characteristics: Mean age 33.6 yrs (range 3 – 83); Male: 127 (43.9%); Fitzpatrick phototype I to II (31.4%); Type III (42.2%); Type IV ‐ V (26.4%)
Lesion characteristics: None reported
Index tests Dermoscopy No algorithm
Method of diagnosis: Clinical photographs and dermoscopic images Cases were clinically and dermoscopically evaluated on a high‐resolution colour monitor, in a random sequence
Prior test data: Unclear. Not specifically described but appears to be images only
Diagnostic threshold: NR
Diagnosis based on: Single observer (n = 2)
Observer qualifications: Dermatologist; Resident clinician with minimal training in PSLs
Experience in practice:
High experience or ‘Expert’ 5 years of experience; Low experience or recently qualified minimal training in PSLs (6 months of experience, comprising 8 hours of specialised training on 3 consecutive days and 2 hours a week in the routine of dermoscopy)
 Experience with index test: Mixed
 Any other detail: Stereomicroscope with magnifications varying from x6 to x40
Computer‐assisted diagnosis ‐ Dermoscopy‐based
Derm‐CAD system: DEM‐MIPS (Digital Epi Microscopy Melanoma Image Processing Software; Biomips SRL, Siena, Italy) (ANN classifier)
System details:
"DEM‐MIPS is designed to evaluate different colorimetric and geometric parameters of a lesion automatically in real time. All digital images of PSLs were collected in a Truevision Advanced Graphic Array format file with a size of 887 kB for each image." Digital dermoscopic images were framed at x16 magnification before analysis with DEM‐MIPS
No derivation aspect (External validation study)
Described in prior study "DEM‐MIPS is based on an ANN trained with 100 PSLs (50non‐melanomas and 50 melanomas) and is designed toevaluate different colorimetric and geometric parametersof a lesion automatically in real time." No citation given
Lesion characteristics assessed: Evaluates colorimetric and geometric features (NR)
Additional predictors included: None reported
Method of diagnosis: 
 Dermoscopic images
CAD‐based diagnosis
Prior/other test data: No further information used
CAD output: NR
Diagnostic threshold: Threshold not reported
Target condition and reference standard(s) Reference standard: Histological diagnosis alone
Histology (not further described); Disease‐positive: 13; Disease‐negative: 328
Target condition (Final diagnoses)
Melanoma (in situ and invasive, or NR): 13
Sebhorrheic keratosis: 3; Benign naevus: 316; Other: 7 dermatofibromas, 2 angiomas
Flow and timing Time interval to reference test: NR
Methodological quality
Item Authors' judgement Risk of bias Applicability concerns
DOMAIN 1: Patient Selection
Was a consecutive or random sample of patients enrolled? Unclear    
Was a case‐control design avoided? Yes    
Did the study avoid inappropriate exclusions? Unclear    
Are the included patients and chosen study setting appropriate? No    
Did the study avoid including participants with multiple lesions? No    
Was an adequate spectrum of cases used to train the algorithm?      
    Unclear High
DOMAIN 2: Index Test Computer‐assisted diagnosis
Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard? Yes    
If a threshold was used, was it pre‐specified? Yes    
Were thresholds or criteria for diagnosis reported in sufficient detail to allow replication? No    
Was the test interpretation carried out by an experienced examiner?      
Was the CAD model evaluated in an independent study population? Yes    
Was model overfitting accounted for during model development?      
Was the diagnostic threshold to determine presence or absence of disease established in a previously published study? Unclear    
    Low High
DOMAIN 2: Index Test Dermoscopy
Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard? Yes    
If a threshold was used, was it pre‐specified? Unclear    
Were thresholds or criteria for diagnosis reported in sufficient detail to allow replication? No    
Was the test interpretation carried out by an experienced examiner? Yes    
Was the CAD model evaluated in an independent study population?      
Was model overfitting accounted for during model development?      
Was the diagnostic threshold to determine presence or absence of disease established in a previously published study?      
    Unclear High
DOMAIN 3: Reference Standard
Is the reference standards likely to correctly classify the target condition? Yes    
Were the reference standard results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index tests? Unclear    
Was the use of expert opinion (with no histological confirmation) avoided as the reference standard? Yes    
Was histology interpretation carried out by an experienced histopathologist or by a dermatopathologist? Yes    
Were the reference standard results likely to correctly classify the target condition (disease negative)? Yes    
    Unclear Low
DOMAIN 4: Flow and Timing
Was there an appropriate interval between index test and reference standard? Unclear    
Did all patients receive the same reference standard? Yes    
Were all patients included in the analysis? Yes    