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. 2018 Nov 14;2018(11):CD009115. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009115.pub3

6. Quality of evidence ratings for primary and secondary outcomes (based on Ryan 2016).

Outcome Study quality
RCT = high
 Non‐RCT = low
Risk of biasa
No = 0
 Serious = –1
 Very serious = –2
No = 0
 Serious = –1
 Very serious = –2
No = 0
 Serious = –1
 Very serious = –2
No = 0
 Serious = –1
 Very serious = –2
Publication biasf
Undetected = 0
 Strongly suspected = –1
Large effect = + 1
 Dose effect = + 1
 No plausible confound = + 1
Mixed/regular word reading accuracy High No = 0 No = 0c No = 0 Very serious = –2 Undetected = 0 Low
Non‐word reading accuracy High No = 0 No = 0c No = 0 Very serious = –2 Undetected = 0 Low
Irregular word reading accuracy High No = 0 No = 0c No = 0 Very serious = –2 Undetected = 0 Large effect = + 1 Moderate
Mixed/regular word reading fluency High No = 0 No = 0d No = 0 Serious = –1 Undetected = 0 Moderate
Non‐word reading fluency High No = 0 No = 0d No = 0 Serious = –1 Undetected = 0 Moderate
Reading comprehension High No = 0 No = 0d No = 0 Very serious = –2 Undetected = 0 Low
Spelling High No = 0 No = 0d No = 0 Very serious = –2 Undetected = 0 Low
Letter‐sound knowledge High No = 0 No = 0d No = 0 Very serious = –2 Undetected = 0 Low
Phonological output High No = 0 No = 0d No = 0 Very serious = –2 Undetected = 0 Low

aJudged 'no' if 75% + studies contributing to an outcome are low in majority of biases. Judged 'serious' if 50% to 74% of studies contributing to an outcome are low in majority of biases. Judged 'very serious' if fewer than 50% studies contributing to an outcome are low in majority of biases. See 'Risk of bias' Figure 1 and 'Risk of bias' tables for bias ratings for each study.
 bJudged 'no' if I2 less than 70%d OR I2 greater than 70% but assessment of heterogeneity analysis suggests it did not affect the reliability of resultsc (see Subgroup analysis and investigation of heterogeneity). Judged 'serious' if I2 = 70% to 85%; judged 'very serious' if I2 greater than 85%.
 eJudged 'no' if confidence interval 0 to 0.3. Judged 'serious' if confidence interval 0.3 to 0.6. Judged 'very serious' if confidence interval 0.6 + (Schünemann 2011b).
 fJudged 'undetected' if funnel plot done on more than 10 studies (Sterne 2011), and no bias detected. Judged 'unsuspected' if funnel plot not constructed (too few studies) but bias not strongly suspected. Judged 'strong suspected' if funnel plot not possible (too few studies) and bias strongly suspected.