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. 2018 Nov 13;2018(11):CD012774. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012774.pub2


Trial name or title Optimal Fecal Microbiota Transplant Dosing for Mild to Moderate Ulcerative Colitis
Methods Interventional (Clinical Trial), randomized
Participants Inclusion Criteria:
  • Patients with history of mild to moderate ulcerative colitis confirmed by endoscopy and pathology

  • Total Mayo score 4‐9, endoscopic subscore ≥1; patients who have not had endoscopic evaluation within one year of enrollment will have flexible sigmoidoscopy for evaluation

  • Age 18 to 64 years and deemed otherwise healthy at the discretion of the investigator

  • Concurrent therapies with mesalamine (stable x 4 weeks), immunomodulators (stable x 3 months), and biologic agents (stable x 3 months) will be allowed to continue during study

  • If patient is on prednisone, the dose must be ≤ 10mg/day at the time of treatment and will be weaned by 2.5mg/week during the study period

Exclusion Criteria:
  • Severe or refractory UC defined as Mayo score ≥10, endoscopic disease activity score 3;

  • Untreated enteric infection (positive stool test for any of the following: Clostridium difficile, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Campylobacter, enteropathogenic E. coli or other enteric infection at the discretion of the investigator

  • History of colectomy

  • Disease limited to distal proctitis

  • Patients taking probiotics within 6 weeks of planned FMT therapy

  • Severe immunodeficiency, inherited or acquired (e.g. HIV, chemotherapy or radiation therapy)

  • Patients with the following laboratory abnormalities: ANC < 1000 / µl, platelets < 50 x 10^9 /L, hemoglobin < 6.5 g/dL

  • History of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) to food allergens (e.g. tree nuts, shellfish)

  • Dysphagia

  • History of recurrent aspiration episodes

  • Documented severe gastroparesis

  • Active intestinal obstruction

  • Patients with renal insufficiency (GFR < 50ml/min)

  • Allergy to the following generally regarded as safe ingredients: glycerol, acid resistant HPMC, gellan gum, cocoa butter, titanium dioxide

  • Adverse event attributable to any previous FMT

  • Allergy/intolerance to proton pump inhibitor therapy

  • Allergy/intolerance to vancomycin, metronidazole, or neomycin

  • NSAIDs as long‐term treatment, defined as use for at least 4 days a week each month

  • Cholestyramine use

  • Any condition in which the investigator thinks the FMT treatment may pose a health risk (e.g. severely immunocompromised)

  • Simultaneous participation in another interventional clinical trial

  • Patients who are pregnant, breast feeding or planning pregnancy during study trial period

  • Non‐use of appropriate contraceptives in females of childbearing potential; adequate by the responsible investigator during treatment) or well‐founded doubt about the patient's cooperation

  • Patients with any other significant medical condition that could confound or interfere with evaluation of safety, tolerability or prevent compliance with the study protocol at the discretion of the investigator

  • Life expectancy < 6 months

Interventions Intervention: 1
Pretreatment antibiotics + FMT delivered by colonoscopy + FMT capsules per week x 6 weeks
Intervention: 2
No antibiotics, FMT delivered by colonoscopy + FMT capsules per week x 6 weeks
Intervention: 3
Pretreatment antibiotics + FMT delivered by colonoscopy + FMT delivered by enema once per week x 6 weeks
Intervention: 4
No antibiotics, FMT delivered by colonoscopy + FMT delivered by enema once per week x 6 weeks
Outcomes Primary Outcomes
  • The occurrence of a serious adverse event, solicited and unsolicited adverse event, new gastrointestinal medical condition and diagnoses from FMT treatment or new infection from FMT treatment

  • Steroid‐free clinical remission at week 9 + endoscopic remission or response defined as total Mayo score ≤ 2 with all four sub‐scores ≤ 1 and a ≥ 1 point reduction in endoscopy sub‐score

Secondary Outcomes
  • Changes in microbiome with FMT therapy

  • Changes in the microbiome: assessed by frequent stool sampling for 16S rRNA analysis prior to each FMT therapy and after the last capsule/enema dose

  • Clinical response: decrease in Mayo score by ≥ 3 points, decrease in bleeding subscore by ≥ 1, or absolute subscore of 0 or 1

  • Progression of disease defined by initiation of anti‐TNF agents or corticosteroids

  • Initiation of anti‐TNF agents

  • Progression of disease defined by increase in dosages of current UC medications

  • Progression of disease defined by time to colectomy

  • Time to death secondary to UC

  • Progression of disease defined by clinical flare (time to next flare)

  • Quality of Life

  • Changes in Mood/Depression Score

Starting date March 2, 2017
Contact information Najwa Elnachef, Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California, San Francisco
Notes Estimated enrolment: 40