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. 2018 Oct 5;2018(10):CD009927. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009927.pub2
S74 (S65 and S70 and S73)
S73 (S71 or S72)
S72 "controlled clinical trial*" OR ( randomi?ed or placebo or randomly ) OR TI trial
S71 (MH "Randomized Controlled Trials")
S70 S66 or S67 or S68 or S69
S69 TI ( school* or student* or child* or pupil* or infant* ) OR AB ( school* or student* or child* or pupil* or infant* )
S68 teacher* or parent* or guardian* or grandparent* or mother* or father* or mum or dad or maternal or paternal or nurse or childminder* or “child care provider*” or playworker* or family or families or carer* or midwife or “mid wife” or midwives or "mid wives"
S67 (Adolescen* or teen* or “young person” or “young people” or youth* or hooligan* or “young adult*” or “early adult*” or juvenile* or minor or “emerging adult*” or girl or boy or apprentice* or “FE college*” or “young m?n” or “young wom?n” or “young male*” or “young female*” or “under 18*” or “sixth‐form*” or “secondary education” or “tertiary education” or “higher education” or “further education” or preschool* or “primary education” or infan* or kid or nurser* or playschool* or kindergarten* or prekindergarten*)
S66 (MH "Child") OR (MH "Child, Preschool") OR (MH "Infant") OR (MH "Adolescence")
S65 ( (S3 and S15) or (S3 and S18) or (S3 and S2O) or (S3 and S21) or (S3 and S26) or (S3 and S34) or (S3 and S40) or (S3 and S46) or (S3 and S52) or (S3 and S59) or (S3 and S64) ) OR ( (S15 and S18) or (S15 and S20) or (S15 and S21) or (S15 and S26) or (S15 and S34) or (S15 and S40) or (S15 and S46) or (S15 and S52) or (S15 and S59) or (S15 and S64) or (S18 and S20) or (S18 and S21) or (S18 and S26) or (S18 and S34) or (S18 and S40) or (S18 and S46) or (S18 and S52) or (S18 and S59) or (S18 and S64) or (S20 and S21) or (S20 and S26) or (S20 and S34) or (S20 and S40) or (S20 and S46) or (S20 and S52) or (S20 and S59) or (S20 and S64) or (S21 and S26) or (S21 and S34) or (S21 and S40) or (S21 and S46) or (S21 and S52) or (S21 and S59) or (S21 and S64) or (S26 and S34) or (S26 and S40) or (S26 and S46) or (S26 and S52) or (S26 and S59) or (S26 and S64) or (S34 and S40) or (S34 and S46) or (S34 and S52) or (S34 and S59) or (S34 and S64) or (S40 and S46) or (S40 and S52) or (S40 and S59) or (S40 and S64) or (S46 and S52) or (S46 and S59) or (S46 and S64) )
S64 S60 or S61 or S62 or S63
S63 ( (screen or sedentary or view*) N2 (time or hour* or minute*) ) OR ( (inactiv* or seden* or indoor*) N2 (lifestyle* or activit*) )
S62 gaming OR ( (view* or watch* or play* or game* or use* or using or usage) N2 (television or tv or video* or dvd* or screen or comput* or laptop* or media) )
S61 (MH "Video Games")
S60 (MH "Life Style, Sedentary")
S59 S53 or S54 or S55 or S56 or S57 or S58
S58 ( (fitness or leisure) N2 (class* or regime* or program* or centre* or center*) ) OR ( (fit* or sport* or activ* or exercise or physical exer*) N3 (lack* or low or no or absen*) )
S57 “Physical activity” or fitness or “physical* fit*” or ”physical exert*” or exercise or “aerobic activit*” or sport* or “aerobic capacity” or “active lifestyle*” or “outdoor activit*” or gym* or mvpa
S56 (MH "Sports") OR (MH "Aquatic Sports+") OR (MH "Athletic Training+") OR (MH "Caving") OR (MH "Contact Sports+") OR (MH "Cycling") OR (MH "Endurance Sports") OR (MH "Fencing") OR (MH "Golf") OR (MH "Gymnastics") OR (MH "Handball") OR (MH "Martial Arts") OR (MH "Mountaineering") OR (MH "Professional Sports") OR (MH "Race Walking") OR (MH "Racquet Sports+") OR (MH "Rock Climbing") OR (MH "Running+") OR (MH "Skating+") OR (MH "Skiing+") OR (MH "Sports Participation") OR (MH "Target Sports+") OR (MH "Team Sports+") OR (MH "Track and Field") OR (MH "Triathlon") OR (MH "Weight Lifting") OR (MH "Winter Sports+") OR (MH "Body Building") OR (MH "College Sports")
S55 (MH "Physical Endurance")
S54 (MH "Physical Activity") OR (MH "Physical Fitness")
S53 (MH "Exercise+")
S52 S47 or S48 or S49 or S50 or S51
S51 (poor or over* or unhealthy or health*) N3 (nutrition or diet* or eat* or meal* or food* or snack* or drink*)
S50 (calori* or fat or fatty or fizz* or soft* or carbonated* or sweetened or salt* or sugar* or fruit* or veg or vegetable* or fibre* or fiber* or “5‐a‐day” or “five a day” or “go for 2&5”) N2 (intake or food* or diet* or consum* or meal* or eat* or nutrition or drink* or snack*)
S49 (MH "Dietary Fats")
S48 (MH "Hyperphagia")
S47 (MH "Diet+")
S46 S41 or S42 or S43 or S44 or S45
S45 selfinflict* or "self inflict*" or selfinjur* or "self injur*" or selfharm* or selfmutilat* or "self destructive behavio#r*"
S44 ( (injur* or mutil* or harm* or wound* or hurt*) N2 (self or themsel* or yoursel*) ) OR TI dsh OR AB dsh
S43 (MH "Self‐Injurious Behavior") OR (MH "Injuries, Self‐Inflicted")
S42 ( (suicid* or harm* or injur* or hurt*) n2 (gesture* or behavio#r*) ) OR ( ("para suicid*" or parasuicid* or "attempt* suicid*" or "suicid* attempt*") ) OR ( ("non fatal" or nonfatal) n2 (suicid* or harm*) )
S41 (MH "Suicide, Attempted")
S40 S35 or S36 or S37 or S38 or S39
S39 (bicyc* or cycl* or bik* or motorbike* or motorcycl*) N2 (helmet* or protect* or "risk reduc*" or "head gear") N2 (lack or without or absen* or wear* or no or non#)
S38 ( (use or using or usage or wear* or wore) N2 ("seat belt*" or seatbelt* or "safety belt*") ) OR injur* N2 behav* OR ( (alcohol* or intoxica* or dr?nk*) N2 (driv* or vehicle* or motor* or car# or van# or automobile* or "auto mobile*") )
S37 (MH "Car Safety Devices")
S36 (MH "Child Safety+")
S35 (MH "Head Protective Devices")
S34 S27 or S28 or S29 or S30 or S31 or S32 or S33
S33 ( ((youth* or street or criminal or adolescen* or juvenile* or teen*) N2 gang*) ) OR ( (adolescen* or youth* or juvenile* or delinquen* or teen* or gang or school* or college* or "sixth form*" ) N2 (crim* or offen* or violen* or fight*) )
S32 ( "pan handling" or panhandling or "disorderly conduct" or prostitut* or (carry* N2 weapon*) or (buy* N2 stolen) or "criminal behavio#r" or (noisy N1 rude) or (nuisance* N2 neighbo#r*) ) OR ( fight* or stab or stabbing or stabbed or stabwound* or wound* or aggress* or weapon* ) OR ( knife or knives or gun* or firearm* or murder* )
S31 ( delinquen* or offen* or reoffend* or violen* or theft* or robbery or burglar* or steal* ) OR ( "criminal damage" or joyrid* or "joy rid*" or assault* ) OR ( "sell* N1 drug*" or "devian*" or "anti social behavio#r*" or " antisocial behavio#r*" ) OR ( graffiti or "racist abuse" or "index crime*" or (breaking N1 entering) or "strong arming" )
S30 (MH "Wounds, Stab")
S29 (MH "Social Behavior Disorders+") OR (MH "Aggression+") OR (MH "Violence+")
S28 (MH "Juvenile Delinquency")
S27 (MH "Juvenile Offenders+") OR (MH "Crime+")
S26 S22 or S23 or S24 or S25
S25 ( "risky sex*" or "unsafe sex*" or "safe* sex*" ) OR ( "sexual intercourse" or "reproductive behavio#r*" ) OR ( "sexual behavio#r*" or "sexual health" )
S24 contracept* or condom# or "morning after pill*"
S23 (MH "Contraception+") OR (MH "Contraceptive Agents+") OR (MH "Contraceptive Devices+")
S22 MH safe sex OR MH unsafe sex OR MH sexual abstinence OR MH sexual partners
S21 gambl* or betting
S20 S8 or S9 or S10 or S11 or S12 or S13 or S19
S19 inhal?nt* N2 (abus* or addict* or depend* or misus* or sniff* or use* or usage or using)
S18 S6 or S7 or S16 or S17
S17 ( (alcohol* or drink* or ethanol) ) N3 ( (excess* or binge* or binging or intoxicat* or poison* or risk* or depend*) )
S16 ( (alcohol* or ethanol or beer or cider or wine or spirit* or alcopop*) ) N3 ( (use* or usage* or using or intake or consum* or drink* or misus* or abus*) )
S15 S4 or S5 or S14
S14 ( tobacco or cigarette* or nicotine ) N3 ( addict* or use* or usage or using or intake or consum*)
S13 ("class a" or "class b" or drug* or cocaine or ecstasy or mdma or glue or gas or aerosol* or solvent* or "magic mushroom*" or crack or ketamine or heroin or morphine or narcotic* or opiat* or opiod* or popper* or lsd* or methamphetamine* or amphetamine*) N2 (abus* or addict* or depend* or inhal* or misus* or sniff* or use* or usage or using)
S12 substance* N2 (abus* or addict* or depend* or inject* or intravenous or misus* or use* or usage or using)
S11 (MH "Substance Abuse, Intravenous")
S10 ( (marijuana or cannabis or "recreational drug*" or "class c"or "white widow*") ) N2 ( (abus* or use* or using or usage or misus* or smok* or addict* or depend*) )
S9 (MH "Substance Use Disorders")
S8 MH cannabis OR MH street drugs
S7 (MH "Alcohol‐Related Disorders+")
S6 (MH "Alcohol Drinking")
S5 smoking
S4 (MH "Smoking")
S3 (S1 or S2)
S2 (MH "Risk Taking Behavior+")
S1 "health risk behavio#r*" OR "multiple risk behavio#r*" OR "high risk behavio#r*" OR "multiple risk factor*" OR "behavio#r* risk factor*"